- Digital Price: $28.50 USD (All sales final)
- Journal of Austrian Studies
- University of Nebraska Press
- issue
- Volume 56, Number 2, Summer 2023
- Campus Medius: Digitales Kartografieren in den Kulturund Medienwissenschaften/Digital Mapping in Cultural and Media Studies by Simon Ganahl (review)
- Vorarlberg: ein making-of in 50 Szenen—Objekte/Geschichte/Ausstellungspraxis ed. by Markus Barnay and Andreas Rudigier (review)
- In den Plural setzen. Marlene Streeruwitz und ihr dramatisches Werk ed. by Stefan Neuhaus (review)
- Open Wounds: Holocaust Theater and the Legacy of George Tabori ed. by Martin Kagel and David Z. Saltz (review)
- The Legacy of Ruth Klüger and the End of the Auschwitz Century ed. by Mark H. Gelber (review)
- Die Zeitschrift "PLAN": Österreichischer Identitätskurs, individuelles und kollektives Gedächtnis in der Nachkriegszeit by Desiree Hebenstreit (review)
- Prison Elite: How Austrian Chancellor Kurt Schuschnigg Survived Nazi Captivity by Erika Rummel (review)
- Weltliteratur in der Shanghaier jüdischen Exilpresse (1939–1947) ed. by Ruoyu Zhang (review)
- Voll Hunger und voll Brot: Die Welt des Jura Soyfer 1912–1939 by Dorothy James, and: Full of Hunger and Full of Bread: The World of Jura Soyfer, 1912–1939 by Dorothy James (review)
- Hermann Broch and Mass Hysteria. Theory and Representation in the Age of Extremes by Brett E. Sterling (review)
- Die Negation von Solidarität: Selbstdarstellungs- und Interaktionsstrategien des Kleinbürgertums in den Dramen Zur schönen Aussicht, Geschichten aus dem Wiener Wald und Kasimir und Karoline von Ödön von Horváth by Joachim Franz (review)
- Franz Kafka: "Der Hungerkünstler"-Zyklus und die kleine Prosa von 1920–1924: Freiheit-Judentum-Kunst by Marcel Krings (review)
- Oskar Kokoschka: Neue Einblicke und Perspektiven/New Insights and Perspectives ed. by Régine Bonnefoit and Bernadette Reinhold (review)
- The American Revolution and the Habsburg Monarchy by Jonathan Singerton (review)
- Der Kaiser reist inkognito: Joseph II und das Europa der Aufklärung by Monika Czernin (review)
- From Idealistic Legacy to Pragmatic Cooperation? Central Europe, the European Union, and Austrian Foreign Policy
- In the Presence of "Gypsiness": Dvořák, Ecocriticism, Stimmung
- Hugo Bettauer, Feminism, and the Non-White World in Interwar Vienna
- The Emergence of Austro-Italian Literary Studies
- Emigration to the Habsburg Empire: The Case of Salonica Jews, 1867–1918
- Global Connections and Culinary Conceptions of Cultural Identity in Austrian Food Literature of the Nineteenth Century
- Austro-Hungarian Informal Imperialism in China, 1869–1917
- What is Austro-Hungarian History to the Eurasianist?
- Habsburg Colonial Redux: Reconsidering Colonialism and Postcolonialism in Habsburg/Austrian History
- Introduction: Empire and (Post-)Colonialism in Austrian Studies
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