- Digital Price: $25.00 USD (All sales final)
- QED: A Journal in GLBTQ Worldmaking
- Michigan State University Press
- issue
- Volume 8, Number 1, Spring 2021
- Disclosure dir. by Sam Fedder, and: Visible: Out on Television dir. by Ryan White (review)
- Black Feminism Reimagined after Intersectionality by Jennifer C. Nash (review)
- LGBTQ Fiction and Poetry from Appalachia ed. by Jeff Mann and Julia Watts (review)
- The New Gay for Pay: The Sexual Politics of American Television Production by Julia Himberg (review)
- Why Karen Carpenter Matters by Karen Tongson (review)
- Queer Terror: Life, Death, and Desire in the Settler Colony by C. Heike Schotten (review)
- After the Party: A Manifesto for Queer of Color Life by Joshua Chambers-Letson (review)
- Queer Conversation with Amber Johnson and Lore/tta LeMaster
- On Organizing and Mobilizing
- The Biopolitics of Imaginary "Others": Between Threat and (In)Security
- Decolonizing Freedom through Voodoo: Queer Worldmaking in a Ghanaian Music Video
- Future Entanglements: Beauty, Fashion, and (Anti-) Black Aesthetics in India
- (De)Composing Ecological Futurities: Insurgent Worldmaking at the End of a World
- Refusing to Die: Black Queer and Feminist Worldmaking Amid Anti-Black State Violence
- From TDOR to Tony McDade: Black Transgender Mourning in the Wake of the Murder of George Floyd
- Making Black Trans Lives Matter
- #BlackDeathsMatter: Performing Transness in Public Space
- Erkan Affan in Conversation with Travis Alabanza and Malik Nashad Sharpe
- Amerikkka
- Amerikkka
- Introduction: Burying the Un/Dead
- Whither Homophobia? Rethinking a Bad Object for Queer Studies from the Black Global South
- The Erotic Worldmaking of Asexual and Aromantic Zines
- Framing Our Story: Youthist and Queer Temporalities in Lopez's The Inheritance
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