
- Digital Price: $48.00 USD (All sales final)
- symploke
- University of Nebraska Press
- issue
- Volume 27, Numbers 1-2, 2019
- Notes on Contributors
- Unruly Rhetorics: Protests, Persuasion, and Publics ed. by Johnathan Alexander, Susan C. Jarratt, and Nancy Welch (review)
- Theory's Autoimmunity: Skepticism, Literature, and Philosophy by Zahi Zalloua (review)
- Genre Theory and Historical Change: The Theoretical Essays of Ralph Cohen ed. by John L. Rowlett (review)
- Gut Feminism by Elizabeth Wilson (review)
- Recoding World Literature: Libraries, Print Culture, and Germany's Pact with Books by B. Venkat Mani (review)
- The Church and the Kingdom by Giorgio Agamben (review)
- Henri Bergson by Vladimir Jankélévitch (review)
- Mamas of Dada: Women of the European Avant-Garde by Paula K. Kamenish (review)
- Good Form: The Ethical Experience of the Victorian Novel by Jesse Rosenthal (review)
- The Price of Literature: The French Novel's Theoretical Turn by Patrick M. Bray (review)
- Why Theory?: Cultural Critique in Film and Television by Edward Tomarken (review)
- Writing In-Between: An Interview with Amitava Kumar
- Games, Things, and Theory: An Interview with Ian Bogost
- Response: The Institutional History of Theory and the Institutional History of Feminism
- How New Literary History Became a Theory Journal
- Theory as a Body of Work
- The Book History of Theory
- Heyday
- Theory and the Changing Forms of Institutional Prestige
- Against Institution
- Introduction: The Recent History of Theory
- The Critic as Parasite
- Trading Well
- It's All His Fault
- Trading-In Literature, or Swapping It Out
- Trading Literature
- The Post-Literature World: A Note on the Future of Literature in the Neoliberal University
- Utopian Trade: A Minimal Defense of Intellectual Exchange
- Mixed Messages: The Religions of Modernism
- On the Modifications of Clouds
- The Phantasms of Lionel Trilling
- A Subterranean Althusser
- Harold Bloom Responds
- "The Fury and the Mire of Human Veins": On Bloom's "Endlessly Elaborating Poem"
- A Book of Revelation
- The Privileged Moment in Bloom: Possessed By Memory: The Inward Light of Criticism
- The Pedagogy of the Aesthete: Oscar Wilde and Harold Bloom
- The Sight of Memory: Bloom's "Otherseeing" in Possessed by Memory
- Possessed by Sahitya
- Dead Criticism
- Harold Bloom's Possessed by Memory
- Bloom's Festival of Significance
- Introduction
- Capital Theory and the Real World
- On Not Selling Out the Subject
- Reading Adorno by the Pool; or, Critical Theory in a Postcritical Era
- Alchemies of Theory
- Resistances to Theory
- Offering (Up) Theory
- Who Sells Out Theory?
- From Street Food to "Street-Level Feminism": Orhan Pamuk's A Strangeness in my Mind
- Theory Today in China: An Overview
- Addressing the Atomic Specter: Ginsberg'S "Plutonian Ode" and America's Nuclear Unconscious
- What is Queer Translation?
- Translating the Unconscious: Aleramo's and Delmar's A Woman
- Into the Dark Blue: A Medi(t)ation On The Oceans–Its Pain, Its Wonder, Its Wild, and Its Hope
- The Sea as Archive: Impressions of Qui Se Souvient De La Mer
- Must We Eat Fish?
- Surfing Between Blue Humanities and Blue Economies in Cantabria, Spain
- Climate Change Goes Live, or Capturing Life? For a Blue Media Studies
- Artistic Immersion: Towards an Oceanic Connectedness
- Open Endings: The Eastern North Pacific Gray Whale Unusual Mortality Event, 1999-2000
- Towards A Blue Humanity
- Editor's Note
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