- Digital Price: $24.00 USD (All sales final)
- Biography
- University of Hawai'i Press
- issue
- Volume 41, Number 2, Spring 2018
- Contributors
- The Antiquary: John Aubrey's Historical Scholarship by Kelsey Jackson Williams (review)
- Emblem of Faith Untouched: A Short Life of Thomas Cranmer by Leslie Williams (review)
- Life Writing in the Long Run by Sidonie Smith and Julia Watson (review)
- Rebuilding Shattered Worlds: Creating Community by Voicing the Past by Andrea L. Smith and Anna Eisenstein (review)
- Understanding Biographies: On Biographies in History and Stories in Biography by Birgitte Possing (review)
- Korean and Korean American Life Writing in Hawai'i: From the Land of the Morning Calm to Hawai'i Nei by Heui-Yung Park (review)
- Memoir Ethics: Good Lives and the Virtues by Mike W. Martin (review)
- Joseph: Portraits through the Ages by Alan T. Levenson (review)
- Reading African American Autobiography: Twenty-First-Century Contexts and Criticism ed. by Eric D. Lamore (review)
- Autobiographical Comics by Andrew J. Kunka (review)
- Girls' Feminist Blogging in a Postfeminist Age by Jessalynn Keller (review)
- Working Memory: Women and Work in World War II eds. by Marlene Kadar and Jeanne Perreault (review)
- Mourning and Mysticism in First World War Literature and Beyond: Grappling with Ghosts by George M. Johnson (review)
- Biography, Gender and History: Nordic Perspectives ed. by Erla Hulda Halldórsdóttir et al. (review)
- Representations of Forgetting in Life Writing and Fiction by Gunnthorunn Gudmundsdottir (review)
- Click and Kin: Transnational Identity and Quick Media eds. by May Friedman and Silvia Schultermandl (review)
- Life Narratives and Youth Culture: Representation, Agency and Participation by Kate Douglas and Anna Poletti (review)
- PInay: Culture Bearers of the Filipino Diaspora eds. by Virgie Chattergy and Pepi Nieva (review)
- Reading Lessons in Seeing: Mirrors, Masks, and Mazes in the Autobiographical Graphic Novel by Michael A. Chaney (review)
- Beyond the Archive: Memory, Narrative, and the Autobiographical Process—Explorations in Narrative Psychology by Jens Brockmeier (review)
- Women Writing Cloth: Migratory Fictions in the American Imaginary by Mary Jo Bona (review)
- Documentary Across Disciplines eds. by Erika Balsom and Hila Peleg (review)
- Theoretical Perspectives on Historians' Autobiographies: From Documentation to Intervention by Jaume Aurell (review)
- Morituri Te Salutant: The Mediatization of the Literary Last Interview at the Turn of the Twenty-First Century
- Ways of Seeing/Ways of Talking: Conversation and Collage in the Films of Mike Dibb
- "Making Friends": The Geopolitics of the Interview on the BBC'S Eastern Services
- "To Unreel a Whole Story": Julia Kerninon on Writers' Interviews
- The Interviewer Speaks Back: Turning the Tables of the Literary Interview in Contemporary French Novels
- "Three words you must never say": Hermione Lee on Interviewing
- Emergent Conversations: Bronwyn Davies on the Transformation of Interview Practices in the Social Sciences
- Criticism Live: The History and Practice of the Critical Interview
- Confessions of a Ventriloquist
- The Interview as Criticism: David Sylvester's Artist Interviews
- Putting Things Together: To Interviewing as Creative Practice
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