
- Digital Price: $44.00 USD (All sales final)
- Journal of World History
- University of Hawai'i Press
- issue
- Volume 29, Number 1, March 2018
- Books Received
- Once Within Borders: Territories of Power, Wealth, and Belonging since 1500 by Charles S. Maier (review)
- Scholars and Sultans in Early Modern Ottoman Empire by Abdurrahman Atçil (review)
- The Global Atlantic: 1400–1900 by Christoph Strobel (review)
- The Edinburgh History of the Greeks, 1453 to 1768: The Ottoman Empire by Molly Greene, and: Plague and Empire in the Early Modern Mediterranean World: The Ottoman Experience, 1347–1600 by Nükhet Varlik, and: Writing the Ottomans: Turkish History in Early Modern England by Anders Ingram (review)
- The Fin-de-Siècle World ed. by Michael Saler (review)
- The Near West: Medieval North Africa, Latin Europe and the Mediterranean in the Second Axial Age by Allen James Fromherz (review)
- Sea Rovers, Silver, and Samurai: Maritime East Asia in Global History, 1550–1700 ed. by Tonio Andrade and Xing Hang (review)
- Balkan Wars: Habsburg Croatia, Ottoman Bosnia, and Venetian Dalmatia, 1499–1617 by James D. Tracy (review)
- A History of Global Health: Interventions into the Lives of Other Peoples by Randall Packard (review)
- The Great Transition: Climate, Disease and Society in the Late-Medieval World by Bruce M. S. Campbell (review)
- War and Conflict in the Early Modern World, 1500–1700 by Brian Sandberg (review)
- Charlemagne by Johannes Fried (review)
- Rage for Order: The British Empire and the Origins of International Law by Lauren Benton and Lisa Ford (review)
- Forced Migration in the Spanish Pacific World: From Mexico to the Philippines, 1765–1811 by Eva Maria Mehl (review)
- Conflict and Commerce in Maritime East Asia: The Zheng Family and the Shaping of the Modern World, c. 1620–1720 by Xing Hang (review)
- Present at the Creation: India, the Global Economy, and the Bretton Woods Conference*
- The Rise of Nationalism in a Cosmopolitan Port City: The Foreign Communities of Shanghai during the First World War
- The British Empire and the Suppression of the Slave Trade to Brazil: A Global History Analysis
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