- Digital Price: $48.00 USD (All sales final)
- symploke
- University of Nebraska Press
- issue
- Volume 23, Numbers 1-2, 2015
- Notes on Contributors
- Forthcoming
- Orgies of Feeling: Melodrama and the Politics of Freedom by Elisabeth R. Anker (review)
- Convulsing Bodies: Religion & Resistance in Foucault by Mark D. Jordan (review)
- Deleuze and Futurism: A Manifesto for Nonsense by Helen Palmer (review)
- Gender Work: Feminism After Neoliberalism by Robin Truth Goodman (review)
- Theory Aside ed. by Jason Potts and Daniel Stout (review)
- The Reject: Community, Politics, and Religion after the Subject by Irving Goh (review)
- Yeats and Afterwords ed. by Marjorie Howes and Joseph Valente (review)
- Transcultural Writers and Novels in the Age of Global Mobility by Arianna Dagnino (review)
- From Modernity to Cosmodernity: Science, Culture, and Spirituality by Basarab Nicolescu (review)
- A Theory of the Drone by Grégoire Chamayou (review)
- The Practice of Value: Essays on Literature in Cultural Studies by John Frow (review)
- Islands of Empire: Pop Culture and U.S. Power by Camilla Fojas (review)
- Literary Criticism in the 21st Century: Theory Renaissance by Vincent B. Leitch (review)
- The Generation in Between: An Interview with Jonathan Pontell
- The Phase of the Global (Wo)man: Gayatri Spivak’s Hope in Aesthetic Education
- Governmentality in Crisis: Debt and the Illusion of Liberalism
- Not so Much Anti-Boycott as Pro-Israel
- An American Bakhtin: Jonathan Arac, or, the Vocation of the Critic in the Age of the Novel
- On Meillassoux’s “Transparent Cage”: Speculative Realism and its Discontents
- The “Saran Wrap” Theory of Translation: Transparency and Invisibility, or the Kernel and the Envelope
- Stubborn Shadows
- Transparency in Neoliberal Academe
- A Body of Glass: The Case of El licenciado Vidriera
- Fluxus, or the Work of Art in the Age of Information
- Monotheism, the Incomplete Revolution: Narrating the Event in Freud’s and Assmann’s Moses
- Thymotic Politics: Sloterdijk, Strauss, and Neoconservatism
- The Different Persons of Amiri Baraka: Collectivity, Singularity, and Becoming-Minor
- Healing the Wounds of the Algerian Revolution in Assia Djebar’s Women of Algiers in their Apartment
- Intolerable Violence
- Flights of the Human as Flights from the Human
- Human Together: Into the Interior of Auto/OntoPoeisis
- Post-Humanitarian Fictions
- Animal Moments in Vladimir Nabokov’s Pnin and Saul Bellow’s Herzog
- Four Experiments in Broadband Auralneirics
- Departments of Language
- No Aporias Allowed: Posthumanism and the Humanities
- Twilight of the Humanities: Rethinking (Post)Humanism with J.M. Coetzee
- The Beast, the Sovereign, and the Letter: Vernacular Posthumanism
- Posthumanism in the Age of Globalization: Rethinking the End of Education
- Human Remains
- Editor’s Note
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