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- The Journal of the Civil War Era
- The University of North Carolina Press
- issue
- Volume 5, Number 3, September 2015
- Contributors
- Books Received
- Penn Center: A History Preserved by Orville Vernon Burton (review)
- On a Great Battlefield: The Making, Management, and Memory of Gettysburg National Military Park, 1933–2013 by Jennifer M. Murray (review)
- The Myth of Seneca Falls: Memory and the Women’s Suffrage Movement, 1848–1898 by Lisa Tetrault (review)
- Uncommonly Savage: Civil War and Remembrance in Spain and the United States by Paul D. Escott (review)
- Slavery and War in the Americas: Race, Citizenship, and State Building in the United States and Brazil, 1861–1870 by Vitor Izecksohn (review)
- A Gunner in Lee’s Army: The Civil War Letters of Thomas Henry Carter ed. by Graham T. Dozier (review)
- Music along the Rapidan: Civil War Soldiers, Music, and Community during Winter Quarters, Virginia by James A. Davis (review)
- Persuading John Bull: Union and Confederate Propaganda in Britain, 1860–1865 by Thomas E. Sebrell II. (review)
- Northern Men with Southern Loyalties: The Democratic Party and the Sectional Crisis by Michael Todd Landis (review)
- Nat Turner and the Rising in Southampton County by David F. Allmendinger Jr. (review)
- The Struggle for Equal Adulthood: Gender, Race, Age, and the Fight for Citizenship in Antebellum America by Corinne T. Field (review)
- “Hero Strong” and Other Stories: Tales of Girlhood Ambition, Female Masculinity, and Women’s Worldly Achievement in Antebellum America by Mary F. W. Gibson (review)
- Performing the Temple of Liberty: Slavery, Theater, and Popular Culture in London and Philadelphia, 1760–1850 by Jenna M. Gibbs (review)
- Oberlin, Hotbed of Abolitionism: College, Community, and the Fight for Freedom and Equality in Antebellum America by J. Brent Morris (review)
- Emotional and Sectional Conflict in the Antebellum United States by Michael E. Woods (review)
- A New Birth of Regulation: The State of the State after the Civil War
- Poetry’s Place in the Crisis and Compromise of 1850
- Black Litigiousness and White Accountability: Free Blacks and the Rhetoric of Reputation in the Antebellum Natchez District
- Robert Fortenbaugh Memorial Lecture: Abraham Lincoln and the Political Culture of New Deal America
- Editor’s Note
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