
- Digital Price: $48.00 USD (All sales final)
- symploke
- University of Nebraska Press
- issue
- Volume 18, Numbers 1-2, 2010
- Notes on Contributors
- God, Philosophy, Universities: A Selective History of the Catholic Philosophical Tradition (review)
- Hollywood Incoherent: Narration in Seventies Cinema (review)
- Beyond Cyberpunk: New Critical Perspectives (review)
- Romanticism after Auschwitz (review)
- Žižek’s Ontology: A Transcendental Materialist Theory of Subjectivity (review)
- Globalization and the Post-Creole Imagination: Notes on Fleeing the Plantation (review)
- Supersizing the Mind: Embodiment, Action, and Cognitive Extension (review)
- Otherwise Occupied: Pedagogies of Alterity and the Brahmanization of Theory (review)
- The New American Exceptionalism (review)
- The Task of Cultural Critique (review)
- Violent Affect: Literature, Cinema, and Critique after Representation (review)
- Reason, Faith, and Revolution: Reflections on the God Debate (review)
- Enduring Words: Literary Narrative in a Changing Media Ecology (review)
- Policing Narratives and the State of Terror (review)
- The Ethics of Computer Games (review)
- Chaosophy: Texts and Interviews 1972–1977 (review)
- How the University Works: Higher Education and the Low-Wage Nation (review)
- Does Ethics Have a Chance in a World of Consumers? (review)
- In the Neighborhood of Zero: A World War I Memoir (review)
- Hijacking Sustainability: Capitalism, Militarism, and the Struggle for Collective Life (review)
- What Is Emotion? History, Measures, and Meanings (review)
- Postmodern American Literature and Its Other (review)
- The Prurient Detective: An Interview with Wayne Koestenbaum
- True Stories: An Interview with Lee Gutkind
- Business Cards and Unions
- Secularity and the Church in the Novel of the Third Republic
- The Economy of Fear
- What We Think about When We Think about Fictional Characters
- Works of Violent Love
- America the Hopeless
- Reinventing a Past: Historical Author Figures in Recent Postmodern Fiction
- Religious Skeptic
- French Theory: The Movie
- To Save Academe
- Re-marking the Ultratranscendental in Moby-Dick
- The Open Access Debate
- Critical Emoticons
- Diary of a Retirement
- Uneasy Work
- E. L. Doctorow’s Vicious Eroticism: Dangerous Affect in The Book of Daniel
- Loving the Other in 1970s Harlem: Race, Space, and Place in Aaron Loves Angela
- The Virtue of Blushing: Assimilating Anxiety into Shame in Haneke’s Caché
- Interrogating the Soliloquist: Does It Really Go without Saying?
- Is Love an Emotion?: Shakespeare’s Twelfth Night and Antony and Cleopatra
- Living “As and Where We Are”: Feeling and the Emotions as Situated Poetics
- A Passion for Plot: Prolegomena to Affective Narratology
- A Thymotic Left?: Peter Sloterdijk and the Psychopolitics of Ressentiment
- Psychoanalysis as Spirituality
- Kant with Michael Fried: Feeling, Absorption, and Interiority in the Critique of Judgment
- Strange Emotions in Contemporary Theory
- Editor’s Note
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