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This issue contains 16 articles in total

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  1. Books of Critical Interest
  2. Living Queer History: Remembrance and Belonging in a Southern City by Gregory Samantha Rosenthal (review)
  3. Intimate States: Gender, Sexuality, and Governance in Modern US History ed. by Margot Canaday, Nancy F. Cott, and Robert O. Self (review)
  4. How the Clinic Made Gender: The Medical History of a Transformative Idea by Sandra Eder (review)
  5. Against Sex: Identities of Sexual Restraint in Early America by Kara M. French (review)
  6. Akademos, la première revue homosexuelle française (1909) ed. by Nicole G. Albert and Patrick Cardon, and: Akademos, mode d'emploi ed. by Nicole G. Albert and Patrick Cardon (review)
  7. Sodomy in Eighteenth-Century France by Jeffrey Merrick (review)
  8. Between Byzantine Men: Desire, Homosociality, and Brotherhood in the Medieval Empire by Mark Masterson (review)
  9. Written by the Body: Gender Expansiveness and Indigenous Non-Cis Masculinities by Lisa Tatonetti (review)
  10. Transtopia in the Sinophone Pacific by Howard Chiang (review)
  11. The Woman Thing: Gynecological Cures in Medieval Danish Medical Manuscripts
  12. "Not Unsympathetic": Freud's Lesser-Known 1920 Case of the Female Homosexuality of Margarethe Csonka
  13. Onania's Letters and the Female Masturbator: Women, Gender, and the "Abominable Crime" of Self-Pollution
  14. Sodomy, Possessive Individualism, and Godless Nature: Eighteenth-Century Traces of Homosexual Assertiveness
  15. Pornography on Rails: Trains and Belgium's "War on Pornography," 1880–1891
  16. "How Far Should We Go?": Adolescent Sexual Activity and Understandings of the Sexual Life Cycle in Postwar Britain
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