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- University of Nebraska Press
- Article
- Bathsheba's Stomach; or, Poiesis and Criticism in Paul A. Bové's Love's Shadow Volume 29, Numbers 1-2, 2021, pp. 623-630
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This issue contains 60 articles in total
- Notes on Contributors
- Translation as Citation: Zhuangzi Inside Out by Haun Saussy (review)
- Born After: Reckoning with the German Past by Angelika Bammer (review)
- Mood and Trope: The Rhetoric and Poetics of Affect by John Brenkman (review)
- The Geological Unconscious: German Literature and the Mineral Imaginary by Jason Groves (review)
- A Theoretical Approach to Modern American History and Literature: An Issue of Reconfiguration and Re-representation by W. Lawrence Hogue (review)
- Minds Wide Shut: How the New Fundamentalisms Divide Us by Gary Saul Morson and Morton Schapiro (review)
- Opening the Window on Higher Ed: An Interview with Christopher Newfield
- Class and Color: An Interview with Joe William Trotter, Jr.
- Why Stop There?
- Picture Theory
- The Specter of Rebirth
- Those Who are About to Theorize (We Salute You)
- Just Stop
- What Is Ethnic Studies For?
- "Whither Roth Given Bailey"
- We, the Sheeple: Making Sense of Conspiracy Theory in the Context of Neoliberalism
- Confessions of the Flesh: Between Pleasure and Sexuality
- The Unsustainability of Sustainability
- On the Kindness of Readers
- Bathsheba's Stomach; or, Poiesis and Criticism in Paul A. Bové's Love's Shadow
- Mastering Mastery
- Love's Shadow
- Stepping Barefoot, and Laughingly, Into Reality: On Paul A. Bové's Love's Shadow
- The Unnecessary Angel
- Anatomy of a Shadow
- The Poverty of Criticism
- Love's Shadow, or Shadow-Boxing?
- All You Need is Love: Critical Reflections on Paul Bové's Love's Shadow
- Love's Shadow, Tragedy, and Beloved
- "Il faut bien détruire ensemble," or Solidarity after Afropessimism
- Theory Saves, But only Practice Pays Interest
- Can Theory Save the World?
- Can Theory End the World?
- Critical Failure in the New World Order
- Buddhism, Barad, and Materialism
- Adorno on Art and the Arts in the Anthropocene
- "My heart, how shall I keep silent?" The Personal as Political: Foucault's Parrhēsia in Euripides' Ion and the Testimony of Christine Blasey Ford
- After Physiologus: Post-Medieval Subjectivity and the Modernist Bestiaries of Guillaume Apollinaire and Djuna Barnes
- Romantic Deleuze
- The Tumorous Concrete Island: Sensing the Beginning of the End Through J.G. Ballard's Concrete Island
- Violence and Abstraction
- To Stir the Sleep of the World: Conjectures on Awakening
- Palestinian Paranoia and the Colonial Situation
- Wakanda and the Politics of Reparation
- Racial Reverb: "Paranoia within Reason" and the Sounding of the Social
- Paranoid Masculinity, Or, Toward A New Identity Politics
- What Is the Matter with Politics? Paranoia, Precarity, Climate Change
- Conspiracy, Complicity, Critique
- Tyranny, Fear, and Parrhesia: Truth in the Neoliberal University, or "How Do I Know I'm not Heidegger?"
- The Paranoid Imperative: Affect, Emotion, and Neoliberal Academe
- Education, New Technology, and the Paranoid Politics of Disinterested Objectivity
- Paranoid Politics and the Plague of Inequality in the Age of Pandemics
- The Paranoid Style for Sale: Conspiracy Entrepreneurs, Marketplace Bots, and Surveillance Capitalism
- On the Politics of Paranoid Style
- The Melodramatic Mode in American Politics and Other Varieties of Narrative Suspicion
- Be Really Afraid: What Parody Does with Political Paranoia
- Bad History, Useless Prophecy: The "Paranoid Style" Revisited
- Paranoid Politics: An Introduction
- Editor's Note
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