- Digital Price: $19.00 USD (All sales final)
- Information & Culture
- University of Texas Press
- Review
- The Filing Cabinet: A Vertical History of Information by Craig Robertson (review) Volume 56, Number 3, 2021, pp. 360-361
To further meet your research needs, the complete digital issue from this journal is also available for purchase for $29.00 USD.
This issue contains 13 articles in total
- Ink under the Fingernails: Printing Politics in Nineteenth-Century Mexico by Corinna Zeltsman (review)
- Book Traces: Nineteenth-Century Readers and the Future of the Library by Andrew M. Stauffer (review)
- The Filing Cabinet: A Vertical History of Information by Craig Robertson (review)
- Burning the Books: A History of the Deliberate Destruction of Knowledge by Richard Ovenden (review)
- Artificial Whiteness: Politics and Ideology in Artificial Intelligence by Yarden Katz (review)
- Reckonings: Numerals, Cognition, and History by Stephen Chrisomalis (review)
- Ideology and Libraries: California, Diplomacy, and Occupied Japan, 1945ā1952 by Michael K. Buckland, with the assistance of Masaya Takayama (review)
- Note from the Senior Book Review Editor
- "The Little Strangers at Our Gate": Toronto Public Library's Experimentation with the Settlement House Movement, 1910sā1930s
- Structural, Referential, and Normative Information
- Open Source Religion: Spiritual Software and the Production and Ownership of Religious Data (1955ā2010)
- Making and Debunking Myths about the Old West: A Case Study of Misinformation for Information Scholars
- Cards, Cabinets, and Compression in Early Stock Photography
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