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This issue contains 24 articles in total

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  1. Contributors
  2. Books Received
  3. This War Ain't Over: Fighting the Civil War in New Deal America by Nina Silber (review)
  4. Denmark Vesey's Garden: Slavery and Memory in the Cradle of the Confederacy by Ethan J. Kytle and Blain Roberts (review)
  5. Race over Party: Black Politics and Partisanship in Late Nineteenth-Century Boston by Millington W. Bergeson-Lockwood (review)
  6. Embattled Freedom: Journeys through the Civil War's Slave Refugee Camps by Amy Murrell Taylor (review)
  7. The Most Complete Political Machine Ever Known: The North's Union Leagues in the American Civil War by Paul Taylor (review)
  8. Contested Loyalty: Debates over Patriotism in the Civil War North ed. by Robert M. Sandow (review)
  9. Upon the Fields of Battle: Essays on the Military History of America's Civil War ed. by Andrew S. Bledsoe and Andrew F. Lang (review)
  10. War Matters: Material Culture in the Civil War Era ed. by Joan E. Cashin (review)
  11. War Stuff: The Struggle for Human and Environmental Resources in the American Civil War by Joan E. Cashin (review)
  12. The War for the Common Soldier: How Men Thought, Fought, and Survived in Civil War Armies by Peter S. Carmichael (review)
  13. Frederick Douglass: Prophet of Freedom by David W. Blight (review)
  14. The Gods of Indian Country: Religion and the Struggle for the American West by Jennifer Graber (review)
  15. Appealing for Liberty: Freedom Suits in the South by Loren Schweninger (review)
  16. Accounting for Slavery: Masters and Management by Caitlin Rosenthal (review)
  17. They Were Her Property: White Women as Slave Owners in the American South by Stephanie E. Jones-Rogers (review)
  18. The Threat of Consolidation: States' Rights and American Discourses of Nation and Empire in the Nineteenth Century
  19. State Sovereignty and Migration before Reconstruction
  20. Vagabond Voters and Racial Suffrage in Jacksonian-Era Pennsylvania
  21. Devolved Democracy: Federalism and the Party Politics of the Late Antebellum North
  22. The People's Revolution of 1856: Antislavery Populism, National Politics, and the Emergence of the Republican Party
  23. The Legal World of Elizabeth Bagby's Commonplace Book: Federalism, Women, and Governance
  24. Introduction: Federalism in the Civil War Era
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