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This issue contains 20 articles in total

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  1. The New Mutants: Superheroes and the Radical Imagination of American Comics by Ramzi Fawaz (review)
  2. Out in the Periphery: Latin America’s Gay Rights Revolution by Omar G. Encarnación (review)
  3. Teaching Queer: Radical Possibilities for Writing and Knowing by Stacey Waite (review)
  4. Queer Cinema in the World by Karl Schoonover and Rosalind Galt (review)
  5. The Metropolitan Museum of Art of New York, Heavenly Bodies: Fashion and the Catholic Imagination (2018)
  6. Transgender Visibility, Abolitionism, and Resistive Organizing in the Age of Trump: A Conversation with CeCe McDonald and Joshua Allen
  7. The Queer Turn in South Asian Studies? or “That’s Over & Done Queen, On to the Next”
  8. “How Can I Be Too Loud and Still Not Be Heard?”: Negotiating Heteromisogyny in the Academy while Confronting White Feminism
  9. Queer/Ivory Proclivities
  10. Itinerant Sex
  11. Forest Tales: Restorying the Ramayana
  12. Hiding in Plain Sight: Disclosure, Identity, and the Indian Men’s Rights Movement
  13. Recalibrating (Field)work
  14. Choukathe Danriye (Standing at the Threshold): Queer Negotiations of Kolkata’s Archives and Society
  15. Unhoming the Home as Field: Notes Towards Difficult Friendships
  16. On Queerly Hidden Lives: Precarity and (In)visibility between Formal and Informal Economies in India
  17. Paradigms of Thirdness: Analyzing the Past, Present, and Potential Futures of Gender and Sexual Meaning in India
  18. Introduction
  19. Rabbit Weddings, Animal Collectives, and the Potentialities of Perverse Reading: Children’s Literature and Queer Worldmaking in A Day in the Life of Marlon Bundo
  20. Emasculating Trump: Incredulity, Homophobia, and the Spectacle of White Masculinity
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