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This issue contains 15 articles in total

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  1. Books of Critical Interest
  2. Not Straight from Germany: Sexual Publics and Sexual Citizenship since Magnus Hirschfeld ed. by Michael Thomas Taylor, Annette Timm, and Rainer Herrn (review)
  3. Black on Both Sides: A Racial History of Trans Identity by C. Riley Snorton (review)
  4. True Sex: The Lives of Trans Men at the Turn of the Twentieth Century by Emily Skidmore (review)
  5. Sexual Liberation, Socialist Style: Communist Czechoslovakia and the Science of Desire, 1945–1989 by Kateřina Lišková (review)
  6. Lewd Looks: American Sexploitation Cinema by Elena Gorfinkel (review)
  7. Awakening: How Gays and Lesbians Brought Marriage Equality to America by Nathaniel Frank, and: Wedlocked: The Perils of Marriage Equality by Katherine Franke (review)
  8. Same-Sex Marriage in Renaissance Rome: Sexuality, Identity, and Community in Early Modern Europe by Gary Ferguson (review)
  9. Welcome to Fairyland: Queer Miami before 1940 by Julio Capó Jr. (review)
  10. The Hirschfeld Archives: Violence, Death, and Modern Queer Culture by Heike Bauer (review)
  11. Abusing Hugh Davis: Determining the Crime in a Seventeenth-Century American Morality Case
  12. The Battle for Chastity: Miraculous Castration and the Quelling of Desire in the Middle Ages
  13. “Todos/as somos 41”: The Dance of the Forty-One from Homosexual Reappropriation to Transgender Representation in Mexico, 1945–2001
  14. The Perfect Woman: Transgender Femininity and National Modernity in New Order Indonesia, 1968–1978
  15. Albert Moll’s Ambivalence about Homosexuality and His Marginalization as a Sexual Pioneer
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