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This issue contains 30 articles in total

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  1. Speculative Formalism: Literature, Theory, and the Critical Present by Tom Eyers (review)
  2. Roberto Bolaño as World Literature ed. by Nicholas Birns and Juan E. De Castro (review)
  3. The Rhetoric of Exile: Duress and the Imagining of Force by Vladimir Zorić (review)
  4. The Age of Silver: The Rise of the Novel East and West by Ning Ma (review)
  5. J. M. Coetzee's The Childhood of Jesus: The Ethics of Ideas and Things ed. by Jennifer Rutherford and Anthony Uhlmann (review)
  6. Translation's Forgotten History: Russian Literature, Japanese Mediation, and the Formation of Modern Korean Literature by Heekyoung Cho (review)
  7. China Reinterpreted: Staging the Other in Muromachi Noh Theater by Leo Shingchi Yip (review)
  8. Global Wallace: David Foster Wallace and World Literature by Lucas Thompson (review)
  9. Výuka dobrého vkusu jako státní zájem II: Závěr rané pražské univerzitní estetiky ve středoevropských souvislostech 1805–1848 by Tomáš Hlobil (review)
  10. Secularization without End: Beckett, Mann, Coetzee by Vincent P. Pecora (review)
  11. Locating the Destitute: Space and Identity in Caribbean Fiction by Stanka Radović (review)
  12. Borges and Kafka: Sons and Writers by Sarah Roger (review)
  13. Lateness and Modern European Literature by Ben Hutchinson (review)
  14. Bachelor Japanists: Japanese Aesthetics and Western Masculinities by Christopher Reed (review)
  15. Late Style and its Discontents: Essays in Art, Literature, and Music ed. by Gordon McMullan and Sam Smiles (review)
  16. Music into Fiction: Composers Writing, Compositions Imitated by Theodore Ziolkowski (review)
  17. Persistent Forms: Explorations in Historical Poetics ed. by Ilya Kliger and Boris Maslov (review)
  18. Love's Wounds: Violence and the Politics of Poetry in Early Modern Europe by Cynthia N. Nazarian (review)
  19. Love, War, and the Classical Tradition in the Early Modern Transatlantic World: Alonso de Ercilla and Edmund Spenser by Cyrus Moore (review)
  20. Exhaustion: A History by Anna Katharina Schaffner (review)
  21. Fiction Unbound: The Contemporary Landscape of Narrative Theory
  22. Reconsidering Modernist Totality
  23. Hues of Red: The Facades of Leftist Insurgency and Crisis in India in Select Fiction
  24. Suspended Crisis In Arab-American and Arabic Literatures: Modernity, Violence, and Afflicted Textuality
  25. Celebrity Authors, Humanitarian Narratives, And The Role Of Literature In World Crises Today: The Medecins Sans Frontiers' Newspaper Chronicles Testigos Del Horror (Witness Of Horror)
  26. "Crouching Terrorist, Lurking Author": On The Terror Narrative In Zhang Chengzhi's and Xiao Bai's Historical Fiction
  27. Global Crises in Ernst-Wilhelm Händler's Wenn Wir Sterben (When We Die) and Kathrin Röggla's Wir Schlafen Nicht (We Never Sleep)
  28. Novels in the Translation Zone: Abbas Khider, Weltliteratur, and the Ethics of the Passerby
  29. Nuclear Disaster and Global Aesthetics in Gerald Vizenor's Hiroshima Bugi: Atomu 57 and Ruth Ozeki's A Tale for the Time Being
  30. Introduction: Global Crises And Twenty-First-Century World Literature
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