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This issue contains 32 articles in total

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  1. China Reinterpreted: Staging the Other in Muromachi Noh Theatre by Leo Shingchi Yip (review)
  2. A History of Japanese Theatre ed. by Jonah Salz (review)
  3. Learning to Kneel: Noh, Modernism, and Journeys in Teaching by Carrie J. Preston (review)
  4. Propaganda Performed: Kamishibai in Japan's Fifteen-Year War by Sharalyn Orbaugh (review)
  5. Tsubouchi Shōyō's Shinkyoku Urashima and the Wagnerian Moment in Meiji Japan by Daniel Gallimore (review)
  6. The Encoded Cirebon Mask: Materiality, Flow, and Meaning Along Java's Islamic Northwest Coast by Laurie Margot Ross (review)
  7. Islam in Performance: Contemporary Plays From South Asia ed. by Ashis Sengupta (review)
  8. So Near, Yet So Far: Badal Sircar's Third Theatre by Manujendra Kundu (review)
  9. Le Théâtre Ache Lhamo, Jeux et Enjeux D'Une Tradition Tibétaine by Isabelle Henrion-Dourcy (review)
  10. 1616: Shakespeare and Tang Xianzu's China eds. by Tian Yuan Tan, Paul Edmondson, and Shih-pe Wang (review)
  11. Dunhuang Performing Arts: The Construction and Transmission Of "China-Scape" in the Global Context) by Lanlan Kuang (review)
  12. Staging Chinese Revolution: Theater, Film, and The Afterlives of Propaganda by Xiaomei Chen (review)
  13. Marionette Plays From Northern China by Fan Pen Li Chen (review)
  14. Chinese Dance—In the Vast Land and Beyond by Shih-Ming Li Chang and Lynn E. Frederiksen (review)
  15. Chinese Dance: National Movements in a Revolutionary Age, 1945–1965 by Emily Wilcox and Liangyu Fu (review)
  16. Malay Theatre: Intangible Cultural Heritage and Islam: Wayang Kulit Kelantan and Mak Yong by Kathy Foley and Patricia Hardwick, and: Tradition in Transition: Intangible Heritage in South and Southeast Asia (review)
  17. Night on the Milky Way Train dir. by Nouso Masao (review)
  18. Blue Moon Over Memphis by Deborah Brevoort (review)
  19. The Water Station by Ōta Shōgo (review)
  20. Sutra dir. by Sidi Larbi Cherkaoui (review)
  21. The Palo-Palo in Batanes, Philippines: From Colonial Legacy to Performance of Solidarity
  22. Semarak Bangsawan: The Invigoration Project in Malaysia
  23. Conflicted Loyalties in "English Kabuki": Portland's English Kabuki Revenge of the 47 Samurai (Kanadehon Chūshingura)
  24. "Come, You Spirits": An Alternative Afterlife to Shakespeare's Macbeth and Othello, as Mediated through Japanese Classical and Kyōgen Theatre
  25. Reviving Wayang Orang Sriwedari in Surakarta: Tourism-Oriented Performance
  26. Ancestral Deliverance and Puppet Performance: Mulian Rescues his Mother and Bima Goes to Heaven
  27. Tradition and Post-Tradition: Four Contemporary Indian Puppeteers
  28. The Heritage of Wang Piying Troupe: Shadow Puppetry in North Sichuan
  29. Intercultural Theatre and Community in Southeast Asia: The ASEAN Puppet Exchange in Jakarta
  30. Shank's Mare: A Transcultural Journey of Puppetry Creation and Performance
  31. Errata
  32. From the Editor
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