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This issue contains 15 articles in total

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  1. Contributors
  2. The Epic of Juan Latino: Dilemmas of Race and Religion in Renaissance Spain by Elizabeth R. Wright (review)
  3. Luis Vélez de Guevara. La niña de Gómez Arias ed. by William R. Manson and C. George Peale (review)
  4. How Marriage Became One of the Sacraments: The Sacramental Theology of Marriage from its Medieval Origins to the Council of Trent by Philip L Reynolds (review)
  5. Lucas Fernández: Farsas y Églogas ed. by Françoise Maurizi (review)
  6. Primero sueño y Segundo sueño, un diálogo poético trasatlántico/Primero sueño and Segundo sueño, a Transatlantic Poetic Dialogue
  7. Sor Juana, doctora en Teología: la sabiduría y el conocimiento en los villancicos de 1676/Sor Juana, Doctor in Theology: Wisdom and Knowledge in the villancicos of 1676
  8. Praises and Prayers to Mary in the Writings of Francisca Josefa de Castillo y Guevara
  9. “La décima musa portuguesa” and Her Soledades de Buçaco: Gendered Landscape Poetry Dedicated to the Nuns of Santo Alberto
  10. Poetry As/And Community: The Verses of Two Spiritual Daughters of St. Teresa
  11. El anonimato como performance textual: ‘Clarinda’ y Amarilis reconsideradas/Anonimity as Textual Performance: Reconsidering ‘Clarinda’ and Amarilis
  12. Visibilidad autorial y competencia de las escritoras en justas poéticas de la primera Edad Moderna española/Female Writers’s Authorial Visibility and Competence in the justas poéticas of Early Modern Spain
  13. Women and Carriages in 17th-Century Aragonese Burlesque Poetry
  14. El Cancionero de Dulcinea en el Quijote o la creación coral de un metapersonaje en evolución/Dulcinea’s Cancionero in Quijote or The Choral Creation of an Evolving Metacharacter
  15. Introducción
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