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This issue contains 34 articles in total

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  1. The Rutledge Prize 2015: For Graduate Students Giving Papers at the scla Conference
  2. Elegy for Theory by D. N. Rodowick (review)
  3. Rethinking Négritude through Léon-Gontran Damas by F. Bart Miller (review)
  4. Humanism and Classical Crisis: Anxiety, Intertexts, and the Miltonic Memory by Jacob Blevins (review)
  5. The Grenada Revolution in the Caribbean Present: Operation Urgent Memory by Shalini Puri (review)
  6. The Question of the Animal and Religion: Theoretical Stakes, Practical Implications by Aaron S. Gross (review)
  7. The Becoming of the Body: Contemporary Women’s Writing in French by Amaleena Damlé (review)
  8. Queer Postcolonial Narratives and the Ethics of Witnessing by Donna McCormack (review)
  9. Literature and Photography in Transition, 1850–1915 by Owen Clayton (review)
  10. Senses of the Subject by Judith Butler (review)
  11. The Planetary Turn: Relationality and Geoaesthetics in the Twenty-First Century ed. by Amy J. Elias and Christian Moraru (review)
  12. Secularization Without End: Beckett, Mann, Coetzee by Vincent Pecora (review)
  13. The Humanities and Public Life ed. by Peter Brooks (review)
  14. Flaubert Postsecular by Barbara Vinken (review)
  15. Worldly Affiliations: Artistic Practice, National Identity, and Modernism in India, 1930–1990 by Sonal Khullar, and: Postcolonial Modernism: Art and Decolonization in Twentieth-Century Nigeria by Chika Okeke-Agulu (review)
  16. Necessary Narration in Their Eyes Were Watching God
  17. Conceptualizing Americanness: U.S. Drama in Spain, 1910–1930
  18. “Neutrality” as Nomos?: Paradigm, Nuance, and the Politics of Coterritoriality in Late Barthes
  19. Playing Kings, Ultimatums, and Abdications: The Apple Cart and To Play The King
  20. Yusuf’s “Queer” Beauty in Persian Cultural Productions
  21. Shelley’s Quest for Persian Love
  22. The Deliverance or Domestication of Others: Memos from Comparative Literature Classes in Appalachia
  23. Fénelon’s Subversive Uses of Aeneid 6
  24. The Comedy of the “Para-site”: Duck Soup, Volpone, and Hamlet
  25. Academe in Chains: Habitus, Reform, and the Neoliberal University
  26. Loss and the Durability of Everyday Life in Uwe Timm’s In My Brother’s Shadow and Bobbie Ann Mason’s In Country
  27. The Forces of Habit and the Ethics of Self-Composture in Patrick White’s Fiction
  28. Samuel Butler’s Life and Habit and the Modernist Literary Character: Rethinking the Subject through the Everyday
  29. Habits, Nothing But Habits: Biological Time in Deleuze
  30. Deleuze on Habit
  31. After the Event: Toward a Post-Capitalist Conception of Structure and Habit
  32. Mind the Gap: Toward a Political History of Habit
  33. The Bad Habits of Critical Theory
  34. Editor’s Column: Reading Habits
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