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This issue contains 43 articles in total

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  1. Notes on Contributors
  2. Forthcoming
  3. Orgies of Feeling: Melodrama and the Politics of Freedom by Elisabeth R. Anker (review)
  4. Convulsing Bodies: Religion & Resistance in Foucault by Mark D. Jordan (review)
  5. Deleuze and Futurism: A Manifesto for Nonsense by Helen Palmer (review)
  6. Gender Work: Feminism After Neoliberalism by Robin Truth Goodman (review)
  7. Theory Aside ed. by Jason Potts and Daniel Stout (review)
  8. The Reject: Community, Politics, and Religion after the Subject by Irving Goh (review)
  9. Yeats and Afterwords ed. by Marjorie Howes and Joseph Valente (review)
  10. Transcultural Writers and Novels in the Age of Global Mobility by Arianna Dagnino (review)
  11. From Modernity to Cosmodernity: Science, Culture, and Spirituality by Basarab Nicolescu (review)
  12. A Theory of the Drone by Grégoire Chamayou (review)
  13. The Practice of Value: Essays on Literature in Cultural Studies by John Frow (review)
  14. Islands of Empire: Pop Culture and U.S. Power by Camilla Fojas (review)
  15. Literary Criticism in the 21st Century: Theory Renaissance by Vincent B. Leitch (review)
  16. The Generation in Between: An Interview with Jonathan Pontell
  17. The Phase of the Global (Wo)man: Gayatri Spivak’s Hope in Aesthetic Education
  18. Governmentality in Crisis: Debt and the Illusion of Liberalism
  19. Not so Much Anti-Boycott as Pro-Israel
  20. An American Bakhtin: Jonathan Arac, or, the Vocation of the Critic in the Age of the Novel
  21. On Meillassoux’s “Transparent Cage”: Speculative Realism and its Discontents
  22. The “Saran Wrap” Theory of Translation: Transparency and Invisibility, or the Kernel and the Envelope
  23. Stubborn Shadows
  24. Transparency in Neoliberal Academe
  25. A Body of Glass: The Case of El licenciado Vidriera
  26. Fluxus, or the Work of Art in the Age of Information
  27. Monotheism, the Incomplete Revolution: Narrating the Event in Freud’s and Assmann’s Moses
  28. Thymotic Politics: Sloterdijk, Strauss, and Neoconservatism
  29. The Different Persons of Amiri Baraka: Collectivity, Singularity, and Becoming-Minor
  30. Healing the Wounds of the Algerian Revolution in Assia Djebar’s Women of Algiers in their Apartment
  31. Intolerable Violence
  32. Flights of the Human as Flights from the Human
  33. Human Together: Into the Interior of Auto/OntoPoeisis
  34. Post-Humanitarian Fictions
  35. Animal Moments in Vladimir Nabokov’s Pnin and Saul Bellow’s Herzog
  36. Four Experiments in Broadband Auralneirics
  37. Departments of Language
  38. No Aporias Allowed: Posthumanism and the Humanities
  39. Twilight of the Humanities: Rethinking (Post)Humanism with J.M. Coetzee
  40. The Beast, the Sovereign, and the Letter: Vernacular Posthumanism
  41. Posthumanism in the Age of Globalization: Rethinking the End of Education
  42. Human Remains
  43. Editor’s Note
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