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This issue contains 22 articles in total

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  1. Contributors
  2. Books Received
  3. Penn Center: A History Preserved by Orville Vernon Burton (review)
  4. On a Great Battlefield: The Making, Management, and Memory of Gettysburg National Military Park, 1933–2013 by Jennifer M. Murray (review)
  5. The Myth of Seneca Falls: Memory and the Women’s Suffrage Movement, 1848–1898 by Lisa Tetrault (review)
  6. Uncommonly Savage: Civil War and Remembrance in Spain and the United States by Paul D. Escott (review)
  7. Slavery and War in the Americas: Race, Citizenship, and State Building in the United States and Brazil, 1861–1870 by Vitor Izecksohn (review)
  8. A Gunner in Lee’s Army: The Civil War Letters of Thomas Henry Carter ed. by Graham T. Dozier (review)
  9. Music along the Rapidan: Civil War Soldiers, Music, and Community during Winter Quarters, Virginia by James A. Davis (review)
  10. Persuading John Bull: Union and Confederate Propaganda in Britain, 1860–1865 by Thomas E. Sebrell II. (review)
  11. Northern Men with Southern Loyalties: The Democratic Party and the Sectional Crisis by Michael Todd Landis (review)
  12. Nat Turner and the Rising in Southampton County by David F. Allmendinger Jr. (review)
  13. The Struggle for Equal Adulthood: Gender, Race, Age, and the Fight for Citizenship in Antebellum America by Corinne T. Field (review)
  14. Hero Strong” and Other Stories: Tales of Girlhood Ambition, Female Masculinity, and Women’s Worldly Achievement in Antebellum America by Mary F. W. Gibson (review)
  15. Performing the Temple of Liberty: Slavery, Theater, and Popular Culture in London and Philadelphia, 1760–1850 by Jenna M. Gibbs (review)
  16. Oberlin, Hotbed of Abolitionism: College, Community, and the Fight for Freedom and Equality in Antebellum America by J. Brent Morris (review)
  17. Emotional and Sectional Conflict in the Antebellum United States by Michael E. Woods (review)
  18. A New Birth of Regulation: The State of the State after the Civil War
  19. Poetry’s Place in the Crisis and Compromise of 1850
  20. Black Litigiousness and White Accountability: Free Blacks and the Rhetoric of Reputation in the Antebellum Natchez District
  21. Robert Fortenbaugh Memorial Lecture: Abraham Lincoln and the Political Culture of New Deal America
  22. Editor’s Note
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