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This issue contains 32 articles in total

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  1. Contributors
  2. About the Artist: Greg Semu
  3. The Pacific Islands
  4. Moana: The Rising of the Sea directed by Peter Rockford Espiritu (review)
  5. Savage Memory: How Do We Remember Our Dead? Directed by Zachary Stuart and Kelly Thomson (review)
  6. Breadfruit and Open Spaces directed by Lola Quan Bautista (review)
  7. Mr. Pip directed by Andrew Adamson (review)
  8. Christian Politics in Oceania edited by Matt Tomlinson and Debra McDougall (review)
  9. The Haus Tambaran of Bongiora: A View from Within of the Tambaran and Yam Cults of the Abelam in the East Sepik Province of Papua New Guinea by Godfried Johan Marie Gerrits (review)
  10. Polynesian Outliers: The State of the Art edited by Richard Feinberg and Richard Scaglion (review)
  11. Making Sense of Micronesia: The Logic of Pacific Island Culture by Francis X Hezel, sj (review)
  12. Summoning the Powers Beyond: Traditional Religions in Micronesia by Jay Dobbin (review)
  13. Tax Havens and Sovereignty in the Pacific Islands by Anthony B Van Fossen (review)
  14. L’ONU, la France et les décolonisations tardives: L’exemple des terres françaises d’Océanie, by Jean-Marc Regnault (review)
  15. Securing Paradise: Tourism and Militarism in Hawai‘i and the Philippines, by Vernadette Vicuña Gonzalez (review)
  16. Don’t Ever Whisper: Darlene Keju, Pacific Health Pioneer for Nuclear Survivors, by Giff Johnson (review)
  17. Melanesia in Review: Issues and Events, 2013: Vanuatu
  18. Melanesia in Review: Issues and Events, 2013: Solomon Islands
  19. Melanesia in Review: Issues and Events, 2013: Papua
  20. Melanesia in Review: Issues and Events, 2013: New Caledonia
  21. Melanesia in Review: Issues and Events, 2013: Fiji
  22. The Region in Review: International Issues and Events, 2013
  23. Rules of the Game: Resources for Researching Pacific Islands Sport
  24. Sports, Bodies, and Futures: An Epilogue
  25. “Such a Site for Play, This Edge”: Surfing, Tourism, and Modernist Fantasy in Papua New Guinea
  26. Beyond the All Blacks Representations: The Dialectic between the Indigenization of Rugby and Postcolonial Strategies to Control Māori
  27. Participating in the Global Competition: Denaturalizing “Flair” in Samoan Rugby
  28. Pasifika Diaspora and the Changing Face of Australian Rugby League
  29. Playing with Knowledge: Sport and the Paradox of Development in Solomon Islands
  30. “No Longer Just a Pastime”: Sport for Development in Times of Change
  31. Fabled Futures: Migration and Mobility for Samoans in American Football
  32. Global Sport in the Pacific: A Brief Overview
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