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This issue contains 38 articles in total

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  1. Book Notes
  2. Children of Abraham: An Introduction to Judaism for Muslims, and: Children of Abraham: An Introduction to Islam for Jews (review)
  3. Contributors to This Issue
  4. Articles Noted
  5. And the Sea Is Never Full: Memoirs, 1969 (review)
  6. Contemporary Jewish American Writers and the Multicultural Dilemma: Return of the Exiled (review)
  7. The Magic Worlds of Bernard Malamud (review)
  8. The Book of Tahkemoni: Jewish Tales from Medieval Spain (review)
  9. Reproducing Jews: A Cultural Account of Assisted Conception in Israel (review)
  10. Executive Governance in Israel (review)
  11. The Postzionism Debates: Knowledge and Power in Israeli Culture (review)
  12. "A Land Flowing with Milk and Honey": Visions of Israel from Biblical to Modern Times (review)
  13. Esther's Children: A Portrait of Iranian Jews (review)
  14. Claude Montefiore: His Life and Thought (review)
  15. Ankommen in Deutschland: Einwanderungspolitik als biografische Erfahrungen im Migrationsprozes russischer Juden (review)
  16. Juden, Burger, Deutsche: Zur Geschichte von Vielfalt und Differenz, 1800-1933 (review)
  17. La Renaissance culturelle juive: Europe centrale et orientale 1897-1930 (review)
  18. Beschweigen und Bekennen: Die deutsche Nachkriegsgesellschaft und der Holocaust (review)
  19. A Conspiracy of Decency: The Rescue of the Danish Jews During World War II (review)
  20. Sacrificing Truth: Archaeology and the Myth of Masada (review)
  21. The Studia Philonica Annual, Volume 13: In the Spirit of Faith: Studies in Philo and Early Christianity in Honor of David Hay (review)
  22. A Marginal Jew: Rethinking the Historical Jesus. Volume Three--Companions and Competitors (review)
  23. Anti-Judaism and the Fourth Gospel (review)
  24. The Book of Psalms Through the Lens of Intertextuality (review)
  25. The Construction of Shame in the Hebrew Bible: The Prophetic Contribution (review)
  26. Die Maske des Moses: Studien zur judischen Hermeneutik (review)
  27. Jews and Medicine: An Epic Saga (review)
  28. Judaism, Mathematics, and the Hebrew Calendar (review)
  29. Judaism in Practice from the Middle Ages through the Early Modern Period (review)
  30. Contemporary Jewish American Narrative: A Selected Bibliography
  31. Putting the "Jewish" Back in "Jewish American Fiction": A Look at Jewish American Fiction from 1977 to 2002 and an Allegorical Reading of Nathan Englander's "The Gilgul of Park Avenue"
  32. "Were It Not for the Yetzer Hara" : Eating, Knowledge, and the Physical in Jonathan Rosen's Eve's Apple
  33. "Hardly There Even When She Wasn't Lost": Orthodox Daughters and the "Mind-Body Problem" in Contemporary Jewish American Fiction
  34. The Escapist: Fantasy, Folklore, and the Pleasures of the Comic Book in Recent Jewish American Holocaust Fiction
  35. The Ethics of After: Melvin Jules Bukiet, Holocaust Fiction, and the Reemergence of an Ethical Sense in the Post-Holocaust World
  36. Land, Legacy, and Return: Negotiating a Post-Assimilationist Stance in Allegra Goodman's Kaaterskill Falls
  37. The Covenant Unraveling: The Pathos of Cultural Loss in Allegra Goodman's Fiction
  38. Unfinalized Moments in Jewish American Narrative
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