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This issue contains 27 articles in total

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  1. Contributors
  2. Editor's Note
  3. Reviewed Elsewhere
  4. To Save a Life: Stories of Holocaust Rescue (review)
  5. Profiles in Science, National Library of Medicine. The Joshua Lederberg Papers (review)
  6. African American Autobiography and the Quest for Freedom (review)
  7. Captain Ahab Had a Wife: New England Women and the Whalefishery, 1720–1870 (review)
  8. Abraham Lincoln and the Forge of National Memory (review)
  9. Obituaries in American Culture (review)
  10. Life Prints: A Memoir of Healing and Discovery (review)
  11. Diaries of Girls and Women: A Midwestern American Sampler (review)
  12. Amy Levy: Her Life and Letters (review)
  13. Daily Modernism: The Literary Diaries of Virginia Woolf, Antonia White, Elizabeth Smart and Anaïs Nin (review)
  14. Le Journal Intime: Genre littéraire et écriture ordinaire (review)
  15. The New Biography: Performing Femininity in Nineteenth Century France (review)
  16. Women and the Politics of Self-Representation in Seventeenth-Century France (review)
  17. The Confession of Augustine (review)
  18. The Ethics of Autobiography: Replacing the Subject in Modern Spain (review)
  19. Placing Autobiography in Geography (review)
  20. Literary Lives: Biography and the Search for Understanding (review)
  21. Circuitous Journeys: Modern Spiritual Autobiography (review)
  22. Threads of Life: Autobiography and the Will (review)
  23. Memory, Narrative, Identity: Remembering the Self (review)
  24. The Limits of Autobiography: Trauma and Testimony (review)
  25. Annual Bibliography of Works about Life Writing, 2000-2001
  26. "Blurbing" Biographical: Authorship and Autobiography
  27. Coordinated Lives: Between Autobiography and Scholarship
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