
- Digital Price: $16.00 USD (All sales final)
- Philosophy East and West
- University of Hawai'i Press
- Article
- Books Received Volume 62, Number 2, April 2012, pp. 317-318
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This issue contains 21 articles in total
- Books Received
- Guodian: The Newly Discovered Seeds of Chinese Religious and Political Philosophy (review)
- The Mozi: A Complete Translation (review)
- The Moral Fool: A Case for Amorality (review)
- Overcoming Modernity: Synchronicity and Image-Thinking (review)
- Neglected Themes and Hidden Variations (review)
- War Memory and Social Politics in Japan, 1945-2005 (review)
- Schopenhauer and Indian Philosophy: A Dialogue between India and Germany (review)
- Socially Engaged Buddhism (review)
- A Story Waiting to Pierce You: Mongolia, Tibet and the Destiny of the Western World (review)
- Mullā Ṣadrā and Metaphysics: Modulation of Being (review)
- Reason and Experience in Indian Philosophy (review)
- Sufism and Deconstruction: A Comparative Study of Derrida and IbnʿArabi (review)
- Reconstructionist Confucianism: Rethinking Morality after the West (review)
- Open Secret: Postmessianic Messianism and the Mystical Revision of Menaḥem Mendel Schneerson (review)
- Political Unity in Neo-Confucianism: The Debate between Wang Yangming and Zhan Ruoshui
- The Ancients Did Not Fix Their Graves: Failure in Early Confucian Ritual
- On Nishida's Rationality Thesis
- Ch'oe Han-gi's Confucian Philosophy of Experience: New Names for Old Ways of Thinking
- On the Structure of Contemporary Japanese Aesthetics
- The Existential Moment: Rereading Dōgen's Theory of Time
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