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This issue contains 35 articles in total

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  1. Book Notes
  2. Articles Noted
  3. After Ellis Island: Newcomers and Natives in the 1910 Census (review)
  4. Greek Jewry in the Twentieth Century, 1913-1983: Patterns of Jewish Survival in the Greek Provinces before and after the Holocaust (review)
  5. Aspects of Jewish Life in the Netherlands: A Selection of Writings of Leo Fuks (review)
  6. Striving Toward Virtue: A Contemporary Guide to Jewish Ethical Behavior (review)
  7. Elevations: The Height of the Good in Levinas and Rosenzweig (review)
  8. Moses Mendelssohn and the Religious Enlightenment (review)
  9. Der Epigone: Ignaz Brüll, ein jüdischer Komponist im Weiner Brahms-Kreis (review)
  10. Shakespeare and the Jews (review)
  11. Philip Roth and the Jews (review)
  12. The House of Moses All-Stars (review)
  13. Open Heart (review)
  14. In Search of Sugihara: The Elusive Japanese Diplomat Who Risked His Life to Rescue 10,000 Jews from the Holocaust (review)
  15. False Havens: The British Empire and the Holocaust (review)
  16. The Holocaust and the Jews of Marseille: The Enforcement of Anti-Semitic Policies in Vichy France (review)
  17. Nationalsozialistische Judenverfolgung in Ostgalizien 1941-1944. Organisation und Durchführung eines staatlichen Massenverbrechens (review)
  18. Exile and Destruction: The Fate of Austrian Jews, 1938-1945 (review)
  19. Hitlers Wien: Lehrjahre eines Diktators (review)
  20. Das Wahlverhalten der jüdischen Bevölkerung in der Weimarer Republik. Zur politischen Orientierung der Juden in der Weimarer Republik (review)
  21. The Jews in Nineteenth-Century France: From the French Revolution to the Alliance Israélite Universelle (review)
  22. Self-Defense in International Law: The Israeli Raid on the Iraqi Nuclear Reactor (review)
  23. The Lebanon War (review)
  24. Professionals Against Populism: The Peres Government and Democracy (review)
  25. Politics and Policy-Making in Israel's Education System (review)
  26. For Our Soul: Ethiopian Jews in Israel (review)
  27. Druze and Jews in Israel: A Shared Destiny (review)
  28. Governing Jerusalem: Again on the World's Agenda (review)
  29. Couching the Transference, Transferring the Couch: Immigrant Psychoanalysts and Jewish Intellectual Culture in America
  30. Jewish Stereotyping: Vasily Rozanov and Jewish Menace
  31. Public Man, Private Woman: Women in Moshe Shamir's Novels
  32. The Stranger in the Metropolis: Urban Identities in the Poetry of Charles Reznikoff
  33. How the Hindu-Jewish Encounter Reconfigures Interreligious Dialogue
  34. Imagination and Its Gender in Maimonides' Guide
  35. Basic Concepts in Rabbinic Hermeneutics
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