- Digital Price: $19.00 USD (All sales final)
- Journal of the History of Sexuality
- University of Texas Press
- Review
- A History of Bisexuality (review) Volume 11, Number 4, October 2002, pp. 650-652
To further meet your research needs, the complete digital issue from this journal is also available for purchase for $34.00 USD.
This issue contains 26 articles in total
- Contents: Volume 11, Numbers 1-4 (2002)
- Notes on Contributors
- Editors' Note
- Index to Volume 11 (2002)
- Books of Critical Interest
- Hans Bellmer: The Anatomy of Anxiety (review)
- Sex without Consent: Rape and Sexual Coercion in America (review)
- Governing Pleasures: Pornography and Social Change in England, 1815-1914 (review)
- Departing from Deviance: A History of Homosexual Rights and Emancipatory Science in America (review)
- Eve's Seed: Biology, the Sexes, and the Course of History (review)
- Partisans: Marriage, Politics, and Betrayal among the New York Intellectuals (review)
- The Manly Eunuch: Masculinity, Gender Ambiguity, and Christian Ideology in Late Antiquity (review)
- A House in Gross Disorder: Sex, Law, and the 2nd Earl of Castlehaven (review)
- Homosexual Desire in Revolutionary Russia: The Regulation of Sexual and Gender Dissent (review)
- White Slavery and Mothers Alive and Dead: The Troubled Meeting of Sex, Gender, Public Health, and Progress in Latin America (review)
- Fashioning Sapphism: The Origins of a Modern English Lesbian Culture (review)
- Dancing Desires: Choreographing Sexualities on and off the Stage (review)
- The Age of the Bachelor: Creating an American Subculture (review)
- AIDS in French Culture: Social Ills, Literary Cures (review)
- Gay Warriors: A Documentary History from the Ancient World to the Present (review)
- Gay Cuban Nation (review)
- A History of Bisexuality (review)
- White-Livered Widders and Bad-Blooded Men: Folk Illness and Sexual Disorder in Southern Appalachia
- "Syphilis, Opiomania, and Pederasty": Colonial Constructions of Vietnamese (and French) Social Diseases
- Randy on the Rand: Portuguese African Labor and the Discourse on "Unnatural Vice" in the Transvaal in the Early Twentieth Century
- Correcting Some Misconceptions about St. Augustine's Sex Life
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