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This issue contains 23 articles in total

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  1. Works Received
  2. China's Opening Society: The Non-State Sector and Governance (review)
  3. The Man Who Loved China: The Fantastic Story of the Eccentric Scientist Who Unlocked the Mysteries of the Middle Kingdom (review)
  4. Scenic Spots: Chinese Tourism, the State, and Cultural Authority (review)
  5. Lost Soul: "Confucianism" in Contemporary Chinese Academic Discourse (review)
  6. Daodejing: A Literal-Critical Translation (review)
  7. Creating Market Socialism: How Ordinary People Are Shaping Class and Status in China (review)
  8. Ancestors and Anxiety: Daoism and the Birth of Rebirth in China (review)
  9. China-India Relations: Contemporary Dynamics (review)
  10. Zhongguo jiating shi, volume 4: Ming-Qing shiqi (review)
  11. Qingmo zhenglun baokan yu minzhong dongyuan: Yi zhong zhengzhi wenhua de shijiao (review)
  12. Gengzi qinwang yu wan Qing zhengju (review)
  13. Tianchao de bengkui: Yapian zhanzheng zai yanjiu (review)
  14. Jibian shidai de wenhua yu zhengzhi: Cong xinwenhua yundong dao beifa (review)
  15. Kongjian yu shehui: Jindai Tianjin chengshi de yanbian (review)
  16. Hong taiyang shi zenyang shengqi de (review)
  17. Lishixue de kunhuo (review)
  18. Qingdai Xinjiang shehui jingji shigang (review)
  19. Recent PRC Studies on Modern Chinese History
  20. Erik Zürcher's Study of Christianity in Seventeenth-Century China: An Intellectual Portrait
  21. Kuoduo richao: Li Jiubiao's Diary of Oral Admonitions: A Late Ming Christian Journal, and: Francisco Varo's Glossary of the Mandarin Language (review)
  22. China's Struggle for Status: The Realignment of International Relations (review)
  23. Graphics and Text in the Production of Technical Knowledge in China: The Warp and the Weft (review)
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