
- Digital Price: $16.00 USD (All sales final)
- Buddhist-Christian Studies
- University of Hawai'i Press
- Article
- They Who Burned Themselves for Peace: Quaker and Buddhist Self-Immolators during the Vietnam War Volume 20, 2000, pp. 127-150
To further meet your research needs, the complete digital issue from this journal is also available for purchase for $29.00 USD.
This issue contains 36 articles in total
- Editorial
- David Loy Interview
- Contemplation et Dialogue: Quelques Exemples de Dialogue Entre Spiritualitiés Après le Concile Vatican II,and: The Ground We Share: Everyday Practice, Buddhist and Christian (review)
- Fire and Water: Basic Issues in Asian Buddhism and Christianity (review)
- John Paul II and Interreligious Dialogue (review)
- Asian Religions in America: A Documentary History (review)
- Le Sūtra d'Amida PrêChé par le Buddha (review)
- Subverting Hatred: The Challenge of Nonviolence in Religious Traditions (review)
- Original Tao: Inward Training and the Foundations of Taoist Mysticism, and: Laughing at the Tao: Debates among Buddhists and Taoists in Medieval China, and: Taoist Tradition and Change: The Story of the Complete Perfection Sect in Hong Kong, and: Lord of the Three in One: The Spread of a Cult in Southeast China (review)
- Wrestling with the Ox: A Theology of Religious Experience (review)
- Buddhist Women Across Cultures: Realizations (review)
- Healing Deconstruction: Postmodern Thought in Buddhism and Christianity (review)
- Community, Violence, and Peace: Aldo Leopold, Mohandas K. Gandhi, Martin Luther King Jr., and Gautama the Buddha in the Twenty-First Century (review)
- The Silent Dialogue: Zen Letters to a Trappist Monk, and: Zen Spirit, Christian Spirit: The Place of Zen in Christian Life (review)
- Jesus through Buddhist Eyes: 3rd Conference of European Network of Buddhist-Christian Studies, Archabbey St. Ottilien, Germany, February 26-March 1, 1999
- World Parliament of Religions, Cape Town, South Africa
- Christ and Buddha: Weaving a Path for the New Millennium
- The 1999 International Buddhist-Christian Theological Encounter
- Korean Temple Burnings and Vandalism: The Response of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies
- The 1999 Meeting of the Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies
- Christian Insight Meditation: A Test Case on Interreligious Spirituality
- In the Beginning: Hebrew God and Zen Nothingness
- An Interfaith Dialogue between the Chinese Buddhist Leader Taixu and Christians
- Santayana and Buddhism: The Choice between the Cross and the Bo Tree
- They Who Burned Themselves for Peace: Quaker and Buddhist Self-Immolators during the Vietnam War
- Pretending to Be Buddhist and Christian: Thich Nhat Hanh and the Two Truths of Religious Identity
- Further Buddhist Christian Dialogue: A Review Article of Hee Sung Keel's Understanding Shinran: A Dialogical Approach
- The Ongoing Creation of Loving Community: Christian Ritual and Ethics
- Concerning Ritual Practice and Ethics in Buddhism
- Society and Sacrament: The Anglican Left and Sacramental Socialism, Ritual as Ethics
- Protestant Character of Modern Buddhist Movements
- Mahāyāna Buddhist Ritual and Ethical Activity in the World
- Becoming a Real Person
- Overcoming the Grip of Consumerism
- The 1999 Meeting of the Japan Society for Buddhist-Christian Studies
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