
- Digital Price: $12.00 USD (All sales final)
- China Review International
- University of Hawai'i Press
- Review
- Voluntary Organizations in the Chinese Diaspora (review) Volume 14, Number 1, Spring 2007, pp. 128-132
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This issue contains 60 articles in total
- Books Received
- The Penumbra Unbound: The Neo-Taoist Philosophy of Guo Xiang (review)
- Grains in China: Foodgrain, Feedgrain, and World Trade (review)
- Yi tuxiang yu Yi quanshi 易圖象與易詮釋 (review)
- Classical Chinese Supernatural Fiction: A Morphological History (review)
- An Amorous History of the Silver Screen: Shanghai Cinema 1896–1937 (review)
- 张铁江. 揭开哈尔滨犹太人历史之谜—哈尔滨犹太人社区考察研究 Jiekai Harbin Youtairen lishi zhi mi: Harbin Youtairen shequ kaocha yanjiu (review)
- China in War and Revolution, 1895–1949 (review)
- Hu Jintao and the Ascendancy of China: A Dialectical Study (review)
- State and Religion in China: Historical and Textual Perspectives (review)
- Chinese: An Essential Grammar (review)
- Qingchao Huangwei Jicheng Zhidu 清朝皇位继承制度 (The Institution of Qing Throne Succession) (review)
- Chinese Women Writers and the Feminist Imagination, 1905–1948 (review)
- Encounters and Dialogues: Changing Perspectives on Chinese-Western Exchanges from the Sixteenth to Eighteenth Centuries (review)
- The Beauty and the Book: Women and Fiction in Nineteenth-Century China (review)
- Locating China: Space, Place, and Popular Culture (review)
- The Monster That Is History: History, Violence, and Fictional Writing in Twentieth-Century China (review)
- Sino-Japanese Relations: Interaction, Logic, and Transformation (review)
- David Crockett Graham (1884–1961) as Zoological Collector and Anthropologist in China (review)
- Failure, Nationalism, and Literature: The Making of Modern Chinese Identity, 1895–1937 (review)
- If China Attacks Taiwan: Military Strategy, Politics and Economics (review)
- A Native Chieftaincy in Southwest China: Franchising a Tai Chieftaincy under the Tusi System of Late Imperial China (review)
- Telling Stories: Witchcraft and Scapegoating in Chinese History (review)
- Advanced Chinese: Intention, Strategy, and Communication (review)
- A Study of the History of Nestorian Christianity in China and Its Literature in Chinese: Together with a New English Translation of the Dunhuang Nestorian Documents (review)
- Tradition and Transformation: Studies in Chinese Art in Honor of Chu-Tsing Li (review)
- Hitchcock with a Chinese Face: Cinematic Doubles, Oedipal Triangles, and China’s Moral Voice (review)
- Crafting a Collection: The Cultural Contexts and Poetic Practice of the Huajian ji 花間集 (Collection from among the Flowers) (review)
- Chinese National Security Decisionmaking under Stress (review)
- Community Schools and the State in Ming China (review)
- Contemporary Tibet: Politics,Development, and Society in a Disputed Region (review)
- Behind the Bamboo Curtain: China, Vietnam, and the Cold War (review)
- Gutenberg in Shanghai: Chinese Print Capitalism, 1876–1937 (review)
- Great Clarity: Daoism and Alchemy in Early Medieval China (review)
- Daoism in History: Essays in Honor of Liu Ts’un-yan (review)
- Behind the Silence: Chinese Voices on Abortion (review)
- Daoism Explained: From the Dream of the Butterfly to the Fishnet Allegory (review)
- Theorising Chinese Masculinity: Society and Gender in China (review)
- The Way and the Word: Science and Medicine in Early China and Greece (review)
- Celluloid Comrades: Representations of Male Homosexuality in Contemporary Chinese Cinemas (review)
- Les Danses rituelles chinoises d’après Joseph-Marie Amiot: Aux sources de l’ethnochorégraphie (review)
- Karl Gützlaff (1803–1851) und das Christentum in Ostasien: Ein Missionar zwischen den Kulturen (review)
- Normalization of U.S.-China Relations: An International History (review)
- Inventing Hui-neng, the Sixth Patriarch: Hagiography and Biography in Early Ch’an (review)
- Voluntary Organizations in the Chinese Diaspora (review)
- Frontier People: Han Settlers in Minority Areas of China (review)
- Paper Swordsmen: Jin Yong and the Modern Chinese Martial Arts Novel (review)
- Superfluous Words (review)
- Rising to the Challenge: China’s Grand Strategy and International Security (review)
- Asian Borderlands: The Transformation of Qing China’s Yunnan Frontier (review)
- Contagious Capitalism: Globalization and the Politics of Labor in China (review)
- China’s Urban Transition (review)
- On Their Own Terms: Science in China, 1550–1900 (review)
- China’s Agricultural Development: Challenges and Prospects (review)
- Empire at the Margins: Culture, Ethnicity, and Frontier in Early Modern China (review)
- Social Space and Governance in Urban China (review)
- The Craft of a Chinese Commentator: Wang Bi on the Laozi, and: A Chinese Reading of the Daodejing: Wang Bi’s Commentary on the Laozi with Critical Text and Translation, and: Language, Ontology, and Political Philosophy in China: Wang Bi’s Scholarly Exploration of the Dark (Xuanxue) (review)
- Resources for Textual Research on Premodern Taoism: The Taoist Canon and the State of the Field in the Early 21st Century
- How Serious Is Our Divergence?: A Reply to Thomas A. Metzger
- How Serious Is the Divergence between Western Liberalism and the Political Logic of Chinese Civilization?
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