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This issue contains 29 articles in total

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  1. Abstracts
  2. The Artificial Self: The Psychology of Hippolyte Taine (review)
  3. Gender in the Fiction of George Sand (review)
  4. La Poesie de Sainte-Beuve: Un Imaginaire de l'echec (review)
  5. Le Mythe romantique de Merlin dans l'oeuvre d'Edgar Quinet (review)
  6. Lettres (review)
  7. Victor Hugo (review)
  8. Maurice de Guerin et le romantisme (review)
  9. Le Papegai et le papelard dans "Un Coeur simple" de Gustave Flaubert (review)
  10. Oeuvres completes (review)
  11. Baudelaire's Prose Poems: The Practice and Politics of Irony (review)
  12. Theatre in Balzac's La Comedie humaine (review)
  13. James Tissot: Victorian Life/Modern Love (review)
  14. French Anti-Slavery: The Movement for the Abolition of Slavery in France, 1802-1848 (review)
  15. Daumier: 1808-1879 (review)
  16. Poetry at Stake: Lyric Aesthetics and the Challenge of Technology (review)
  17. Eve's Proud Descendants: Four Women Writers and Republican Politics in Nineteenth-Century France (review)
  18. Black Venus: Sexualized Savages, Primal Fears and Primitive Narratives in French (review)
  19. Resonant Themes: Literature, History, and the Arts in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Europe (review)
  20. Loiterature (review)
  21. Poignant Relations: Three Modern French Women (review)
  22. Impressionnisme poetique chez Marie Krysinska: Esthetique de l'ambiguite et demarche feministe
  23. Mallarme and the Language of Ideas
  24. "Cette Blanche Agonie": Baudelaire, Mallarme and the Ice of Sound
  25. Any Where Out of this Verse: Baudelaire's Prose Poetics and the Aesthetics of Transgression
  26. "Ne m'appelez donc jamais femme auteur ": Deconstruction et refus du roman sentimental chez George Sand
  27. "Une femme qui reve n'est pas tout a fait une femme": Lelia en rupture d'identite
  28. Une Amitie litteraire: Chateaubriand et Dumas pere
  29. Hybridity and Ethics in Chateaubriand's Atala
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