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This issue contains 43 articles in total

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  1. Notes on Contributors
  2. Democracy without Competition in Japan: Opposition Failure in a One-Party Dominant State (review)
  3. Japan's Foreign Aid: Old Continuities and New Directions (review)
  4. Ecological Modernization and Japan (review)
  5. Environmental Policy in Japan (review)
  6. The New Community Firm: Employment, Governance and Management Reform in Japan (review)
  7. Reviving Japan's Economy: Problems and Prescriptions (review)
  8. Notes from Toyota-Land: An American Engineer in Japan (review)
  9. Secrecy in Japanese Arts: "Secrecy Transmission" as a Mode of Knowledge (review)
  10. Developing Zeami: The Noh Actor's Attunement in Practice (review)
  11. Objects of Discourse: Memoirs by Women of Heian Japan (review)
  12. Japanese Horror Cinema (review)
  13. Mizoguchi and Japan (review)
  14. Lamentation as History: Narratives by Koreans in Japan, 1965-2000 (review)
  15. Postmodern, Feminist and Postcolonial Currents in Contemporary Japanese Culture: A Reading of Murakami Haruki, Yoshimoto Banana, Yoshimoto Takaaki and Karatani Kōjin (review)
  16. In the Company of Men: Representations of Male-Male Sexuality in Meiji Literature (review)
  17. Queer Japan from the Pacific War to the Internet Age (review)
  18. Final Days: Japanese Culture and Choice at the End of Life (review)
  19. Gendering Modern Japanese History (review)
  20. Japan and Germany under the U.S. Occupation: A Comparative Analysis of Post-War Education Reform (review)
  21. Divisions of Labor: Globality, Ideology, and War in the Shaping of the Japanese Labor Movement (review)
  22. Cooperation over Conflict: The Women's Movement and the State in Postwar Japan (review)
  23. Politics, Memory and Public Opinion: The History Textbook Controversy and Japanese Society (review)
  24. Asian Labor in the Wartime Japanese Empire: Unknown Histories (review)
  25. Racing the Enemy: Stalin, Truman, and the Surrender of Japan (review)
  26. Collaboration: Japanese Agents and Local Elites in Wartime China
  27. Japan's Colonization of Korea: Discourse and Power (review)
  28. Making Waves: Politics, Propaganda, and the Emergence of the Imperial Japanese Navy, 1868-1922 (review)
  29. The Thought War: Japanese Imperial Propaganda, and: Leaves from an Autumn of Emergencies: Selections from the Wartime Diaries of Ordinary Japanese (review)
  30. Overcome by Modernity? Three Works by and about Takeuchi Yoshimi
  31. Political Philosophy in Japan: Nishida, the Kyoto School and Co-Prosperity, and: Le néant évidé: Ontologie et politique chez Keiji Nishitani: Une tentative d'interprétation (review)
  32. Proving the Way: Conflict and Practice in the History of Japanese Nativism (review)
  33. Punishment and Power in the Making of Modern Japan (review)
  34. Ambassadors from the Islands of Immortals: China-Japan Relations in the Han-Tang Period (review)
  35. Tsumi \-\- Offence and Retribution in Early Japan (review)
  36. Swords, Oaths, and Prophetic Visions: Authoring Warrior Rule in Medieval Japan (review)
  37. Rearranging the Landscape of the Gods: The Politics of a Pilgrimage Site in Japan, 1573-1912 (review)
  38. Bonds of Civility: Aesthetic Networks and the Political Origins of Japanese Culture (review)
  39. Securing Japan: The Current Discourse
  40. "Self-responsibility" and the Nature of the Postwar Japanese State: Risk through the Looking Glass
  41. Darkness Transformed: Illness in the Work of Kajii Motojirō
  42. Microfirms and Industrial Districts in Japan: The Dynamics of the Arita Ceramic-ware Industry in the Twentieth Century
  43. The Political Economy of Postwar Family Policy in Japan: Economic Imperatives and Electoral Incentives
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