The Complete Prose of T. S. Eliot: The Critical Edition gathers for the first time in one place the collected, uncollected, and unpublished prose of one of the most prolific writers of the twentieth century. Highlights include all of Eliot's collected essays, reviews, lectures, and commentaries from The Criterion; essays from his student years at Smith Academy, Harvard, and Oxford; and his Clark and Turnbull lectures on metaphysical poetry. Each item has been textually edited, annotated, and cross-referenced by an international group of leading Eliot scholars, led by Ronald Schuchard, a renowned scholar of Eliot and Modernism.
In this Volume
Vol. 5: Tradition and Orthodoxy, 1934-1939
- 2017
- Published by: Johns Hopkins University Press
The abstractions of political theory and the claims of Christian theology were the two disciplines by which Eliot steered his way through the political and economic problems of the decade. The lingering effects of the Great Depression and the consequent rise of extremist political ideologies in the early 1930s gave rise to Eliot’s reflections on the failures of capitalism and liberal democracy in addressing these problems. The popularity of, and problems with, fascism and communism provided Eliot with numerous opportunities to reject both options and to sketch instead ways in which traditional culture and orthodox Christianity could provide principles, if not practical ideas, for reweaving the disintegrating fabric of culture. The arts and literature are continuing themes in this volume, though now they are considered in their social totalities, including culture and religion.
Eliot’s controversial and speculative lectures—given in Virginia in 1933, and published the next year as After Strange Gods—are republished in this volume for the first time since 1934. Here, he attempts to interpret aesthetic and artistic concerns in a broader moral frame that includes sociological and theological themes. Throughout the volume, Eliot is engrossed in the emerging field of Christian sociology, which considers how Christian cultures operate and are structured. The arc of this period begins in the stark moralizing of After Strange Gods and ends in the more generous vision of The Idea of a Christian Society, written as Europe moved inexorably toward another total war.
There are eight pieces published in this volume for the first time, including two lectures on Christianity, “The Church as an Ecumenical Society” and “The Christian in the Modern World,” a short radio broadcast, and two major literary lectures, “Tradition and the Practice of Poetry” and the two talks gathered here as “The Development of Shakespeare’s Verse.” There are a further fifteen items that had been previously published but were unrecorded in the Gallup bibliography, plus another eight signed letters and documents with multiple authorship, also unrecorded in Gallup. Here are reproduced, with full textual notes and annotations, all of the books, articles, commentaries, radio broadcasts, lectures, letters to the editor, and other prose forms in which Eliot sought to reach broad and diverse audiences on the matters that most compelled his attention in this tumultuous decade.
Table of Contents

- Tradition and Orthodoxy, 1934-1939: Introduction
- Pages: xi-xxxvi
- Editorial Procedures and Principles
- Pages: xxxvii-xlv
- Acknowledgments
- Pages: xlvii-l
- List of Abbreviations
- Pages: li-liii
- List of Illustrations
- Pages: lv
PART I: Essays, Reviews, Commentaries, and Public Letters
- A Commentary (Jan 1934)
- Pages: 3-12
- After Strange Gods: A Primer of Modern Heresy
- Pages: 15-55
- A Commentary (Apr 1934)
- Pages: 80-83
- Prefatory Note to The Rock
- Pages: 89-92
- “The Rock.” To the Editor of The Spectator
- Pages: 93-94
- A Commentary (July 1934)
- Pages: 99-106
- In Sincerity and Earnestness: New Britain As I See It
- Pages: 109-112
- John Marston
- Pages: 114-125
- The Problem of Education
- Pages: 126-130
- To the Editor of Social Credit
- Pages: 131
- A Commentary (Oct 1934)
- Pages: 132-137
- Religious Drama and the Church
- Pages: 138-141
- What Does the Church Stand For?
- Pages: 142-145
- Orage: Memorie
- Pages: 146-147
- A Commentary (Jan 1935)
- Pages: 148-153
- Notes on the Way [I]
- Pages: 154-157
- Notes on the Way [II]
- Pages: 159-165
- Notes on the Way [III]
- Pages: 166-172
- Notes on the Way [IV]
- Pages: 175-181
- Mr. Milne and War [I]. To the Editor of Time and Tide
- Pages: 182-184
- The Christian in the Modern World
- Pages: 185-195
- Literature and the Modern World
- Pages: 196-204
- Mr. Milne and War [II]. To the Editor of Time and Tide
- Pages: 208-209
- Religion and Literature
- Pages: 218-229
- Introduction to Selected Poems, by Marianne Moore
- Pages: 230-237
- A Commentary (Apr 1935)
- Pages: 238-244
- Views and Reviews [I]
- Pages: 249-253
- Views and Reviews [II]
- Pages: 254-257
- A Commentary (July 1935)
- Pages: 258-260
- This England! To the Editor of The Church Times
- Pages: 261-262
- Should There Be a Censorship of Books?
- Pages: 263-267
- Views and Reviews [III]
- Pages: 268-271
- A Commentary (Oct 1935)
- Pages: 272-277
- Pacifism. To the Editor of The New English Weekly
- Pages: 279-280
- Views and Reviews [IV]
- Pages: 281-284
- Stilton Cheese. To the Editor of The Times
- Pages: 286-287
- Audiences, Producers, Plays, Poets
- Pages: 288-289
- Lord Victor Seymour. To the Editor of The Church Times
- Pages: 291-292
- Tradition and the Practice of Poetry
- Pages: 300-310
- A Commentary (Jan 1936)
- Pages: 311-317
- Preface to Essays Ancient and Modern, by T. S. Eliot
- Pages: 321-322
- In Memoriam
- Pages: 323-336
- Modern Education and the Classics
- Pages: 337-345
- The Church as Action: Note on a Recent Correspondence
- Pages: 355-357
- A Commentary (Apr 1936)
- Pages: 358-364
- G. K. Chesterton
- Pages: 369-370
- A Commentary (July 1936)
- Pages: 380-385
- The Year’s Poetry
- Pages: 386
- Dr. Charles Harris. To the Editor of The Times
- Pages: 392-393
- A Commentary (Oct 1936)
- Pages: 394-400
- The Need for Poetic Drama
- Pages: 401-406
- A Commentary (Jan 1937)
- Pages: 410-417
- Paul Elmer More
- Pages: 418-423
- The Church’s Message to the World
- Pages: 424-429
- Mr. Reckitt, Mr. Tomlin, and the Crisis
- Pages: 449-456
- Introduction to Nightwood, by Djuna Barnes
- Pages: 457-462
- The Revenger’s Tragedy: A Note by T. S. Eliot
- Pages: 463-465
- A Commentary (Apr 1937)
- Pages: 466-471
- The Church as an Ecumenical Society
- Pages: 497-503
- A Commentary (July 1937)
- Pages: 504-509
- Report of a Speech Day address at the Kingswood School
- Pages: 510-513
- Religious Drama: Mediaeval and Modern
- Pages: 519-530
- The Development of Shakespeare’s Verse. Two Lectures
- Pages: 531-561
- A Commentary (Oct 1937)
- Pages: 562-567
- A Note on Two Odes of Cowley
- Pages: 579-588
- A Commentary (Jan 1938)
- Pages: 589-596
- Report of an address at Southwark Cathedral
- Pages: 597-598
- To the Editor of Blackfriars
- Pages: 599-600
- To the Editor of The New English Weekly
- Pages: 601
- On a Recent Piece of Criticism
- Pages: 602-608
- A Commentary (Apr 1938)
- Pages: 609-616
- Report of a lecture on George Herbert
- Pages: 617-622
- A Commentary (July 1938)
- Pages: 640-645
- Professor H. H. Joachim. To the Editor of The Times
- Pages: 646-647
- A Commentary (Oct 1938)
- Pages: 648-652
- The Future of Poetic Drama
- Pages: 653-658
- Last Words
- Pages: 659-665
- Liberal Manifesto. To the Editor of The Church Times
- Pages: 666-667
- A Commentary: That Poetry Is Made with Words
- Pages: 668-671
- A Commentary: On Reading Official Reports
- Pages: 672-675
- A Commentary
- Pages: 679-682
- The Idea of a Christian Society
- Pages: 683-747
- A Sub-Pagan Society?
- Pages: 753-756
PART II: Signed Letters and Documents with Multiple Authorship*
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