In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Call for Submissions to Online-Only Journal Sections

Teaching Linguistics welcomes submissions that analyze a pedagogical issue, assess a teaching technique, or review pedagogical materials. Submissions may focus on the teaching of any area of linguistics at any level or may offer a broader perspective on teaching linguisticswithin higher education or the K–12 curriculum. As language-related issues are not restricted to the linguistics classroom, we welcome multidisciplinary perspectives from related areas, including but not limited to anthropology, communication, computer science, education, English, modern and classical languages, psychology, and speech pathology.

Phonological Analysis welcomes submissions in three areas of phonological research not currently represented in the pages of Language: (a) deep description and analysis of primary phonological data without the necessity of a theoretical focus, (b) in-depth elucidation of assumptions of phonological theories, and (c) detailed computational modeling or simulation of phonological systems. The section aims to expand the scope of Language through contributions to any of these three areas of research. The assessment of a submission’s quality will be based on its alignment with the aims and scope of the section, depth of scholarship, and clarity of writing and argument. Factors such as topical popularity will not be treated as primary criteria for evaluation.

Language and Public Policy welcomes submissions devoted to exploring and analyzing areas of public policy that benefit from the findings and methods of linguistics. Submissions to this section may deal with public policy concerns in the social sciences, education, medicine, and law, among other disciplines, from any level (local to international), that involve language as the topic (as in language policy itself), a focus (as in education policies), an instrument (as in legal policies), or a relevant variable (as in labor or civil rights policies). Multidisciplinary and international contributions are welcome. The section aims to highlight the relevance of language in the public policy arena.

Manuscripts should follow the general guidelines for contributors to Language as found in the Notes to Contributors ( language/notes-to-contributors).Manuscripts for publication in the online-only sections may be sent to . Contact information for editorial staff can be found at


