In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Central Africa


3500 Kidd, C., Inventing the "Pygmy": representing the "other", presenting"self". History and anthropology 2009 20 4 395-418
3501 Siegel, B., Chipimpi, vulgar clans and Lala-Lamba ethnohistory. History in Africa 2008 35 439-53


3502 Bremner, G.A., The Architecture of the Universities' Mission to Central Africa: developing a vernacular tradition in the Anglican mission field, 1861-1909. Journal of the Society of Architectural Historians 2009 68 4 514-39


3503 Nkunzimana, O., Beyond colonial sterotypes: reflections on postcolonial cinema in the African Great Lakes region. Journal of African cinemas 2009 1 1 79-94

Current Affairs

3504 Kodi, M., Congo conflict: time to act. World today 2009 65 1
3505 van Leeuwen, M., Imagining the Great Lakes region: Civil-society regional approaches for peacebuilding in Rwanda, Burundi, and DR Congo, in Partners in peace, pp. 95-122. (Item No. 228)


3506 Curran, B. and others, Are Central Africa's protected areas displacing hundreds of thousands of rural poor? Conservation and society 2009 7 1 30-45


3507 McGregor, J., Crossing the Zambezi: the politics of landscape on a Central African frontier. Woodbridge James Currey 2009 237 pp.

History, C20th

3508 Spooner, K.A., Just west of neutral: Canadian "objectivity" and peacekeeping during the Congo crisis 1960-61. Canadian journal of African studies 2009 43 2 303-36
3509 Stapleton, T., "Bad boys": infiltration and sedition in the African military units of the Central African Federation (Malawi, Zambia and Zimbabwe) 1953-63. Journal of military history 2009 73 4 1167-93 [End Page 230]

International Economic Relations

3510 Bongyu, M.G., The Economic and monetary community of Central Africa (CEMAC) and the decline of sovereignty. Journal of Asian and African studies 2009 44 4 389-406

International Relations

See also: 3504
3511 Morshut, C., Effective multilateralism? EU-UN cooperation in the DRC, 2003-2006. International peacekeeping 2009 16 2 261-72

Medicine and Health

3512 Marsh, B.D., "Multiracial partnership" and African health care in the Central African Federation: 1953-1963, in Falola, T. and Heaton, M. (eds), Health knowledge and belief systems in Africa, pp. 261-76. (Item No. 909)

Religion — Christianity

See also: 3502


3513 Cray, R. and others, Ectocranium suture closure in Pan troglydytes and Gorilla gorilla: pattern and phylogeny. Annals of human biology 2008 136 4 394-9



3514 Moorman, M.J., Intonations: a social history of music and nation in Luanda, Angola from 1945 to recent times. Athens Ohio University Press 2008 290 pp. + CD


See also: 3514

Current Affairs

3515 Vines, A., Wiener, M., Angola: thirty years of Dos Santos. Review of African political economy 2009 36 120 287-94


3516 Heywood, L.M., Slavery and its transformation in the kingdom of Kongo, 1490-1800. Journal of African history 2009 50 1 1-22

History, C20th

3517 Lopes, C.M., Hug me, hold me tight! The evolution of passenger transport in Luanda and Huambo (Angola), in Gewald, J-B., Luning, S. and van Walraven, K. (eds), The Speed of change, pp. 107-26. (Item No. 490)

International Relations

3518 Hatzky, C., Bildungspolitik und Transnationalismus in postkolonialen Angola: Dimensionen und Herausforderungen der Kooperation mit Kuba. Afrika Spectrum 2008 43 2 245-68


3519 Corrado, J., Joaquim Dias Cordeiro da Matta: a poet, pedagogue and promoter of indigenous languages in late nineteenth century Angola. Research in African literatures 2009 40 2 140-58 [End Page 231]


3520 Roque, P.C., Élections législatives en Angola: les raisons de la victoire triomphale du MPLA. Lusotopie 2009 16 1 3-23

Religion — Christianity

3521 Blanes, R.L., Remembering and suffering: memory and shifting allegiances in the Angolan Tokoist Church. Exchange 2009 38 2 161-81
3522 Sarró, R., Lera Blanes, R., Prophetic diasporas moving religion across the lusophone Atlantic. African diaspora 2009 2 1 52-72

Urban Studies

3523 Bulfin, M.P., Bursting at the seams: water access and housing in Luanda. Ufahamu 2009 35 1 <>

Democratic Republic of Congo


3524 de Quirini, P., La jeunesse, avenir de la nation. Alors que faiton pour elle? Congo-Afrique 2007 419 701-6...

