The Feminist Press

technology is

        nail       polish               clothing buttons

holy water dispensers

                   milk cartons                   punch

cards                         robots              lamination

                   plastic              roller skates                        margarine

                          manure spreaders                        alphabet

toilet paper                 wheel            suspension

         bridge                 carpet                    mill                    thermometer

            numbers                       eyeglasses             polyester

lettuce spinner                    brick                    typewriter

          money               crossbow            rubber               pottery

      horseshoe    plough     agriculture               phonograph

            glass            airplane          arch

                  elevator                        adding machine

refrigeration                  electricity            glue            concrete

    radio          radar                         microwave

          paper          map                    sail

               zipper                    stop light

incandescent               bulbs            batteries

  gun             windmill automobile

          engine                        television               clock

shoes                  clothing                  penicillan

  ball            point   pen               gear     answering machine

        rocket            walkie talkie

light emitting diodes                       automatic

  hat                  yo yo            matches           paper clip

scissors              post it notes                  computer        software

        pencil        bleach            swing            mandolin

cimitar          flannel        compass         blast furnace [End Page 240]

"Technology Is" is part of a series of Word Drawings that I began in 2004, when I became interested in "publishing" text on walls. These drawings have allowed me not only to notice the ways in which people respond to text differently when it is perceived primarily as a visual object but also to explore the spatial relationships between words and the spatial aspects of signification. The drawings can be read either horizontally or vertically and signify in unique ways depending on the reading path selected. This project also continues my ongoing exploration of the sentence as a unit of language, its unique energies, its boundaries, as well as its propensity to disintegrate under certain conditions.

Most of the drawings begin with a topic or point of departure, as was the case with "Technology Is," which relates to my research into how to begin defining—and thinking about—technology. [End Page 241]

Johannah Rodgers

Johannah Rodgers has been living and writing in Brooklyn, New York, for the past thirteen years. Her book sentences, a collection of short stories, essays, and drawings, was published by Red Dust in 2007. Her short stories, essays, and reviews have appeared in Fence, Bookforum, Fiction, CHAIN Arts, Pierogi Press, and the Brooklyn Rail, where she is a contributing editor. Currently, she is teaching writing at the City University of New York, where she is an assistant professor of English.
