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  • Morning Patterns:A Kindergarten Teacher, on a Typical Workday …
  • Robert D. Quinn

My alarm goes off atfive-forty-fiveand I hit it. And then I know I can sleep about ten more minutes before it goes off again—five-fifty-five.Then I know I can sleep about ten more minutes because my watch alarm goes off atsix-o-five.And then I get out of bed.

I take my shower.Mmmmmmm,I get back out.I dry my hair.I put on my makeup.And by the time that’s all done, it’s aboutsix-thirty. [End Page 97]

And then I go back into the kitchen, and I put two frozen waffles in the toaster.And pour my half a cup of orange juice.Half a cup, ’cause it’s only one point on Weight Watchers for a half a cup.So, the lower the points, the more I can have by dinnertime.’Cause two frozen waffles are onlytwo points,a half a cup of orange juice isone point.So, I’m eatingthree pointsin the morning. Well,four pointsbecause my syrup isone point.No butter. Unless I use my spray butter, which iszero points.

And then I go to the living room, and I turn onEleven-Alive,and I watch the news. And I watch that until aboutsiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiix-forty-six-forty-fivewhile I’m eating my breakfast.About fifteen minutes.

Then I …Go back in,clean off my plate and my cup,put it in the dishwasher,put the syrup up,make sure that my lunch box is by my school bag, andthat my water is poured into my Weight Watchers cup. [End Page 98]

Soooooooo,I go to the restroom, anduse the restroom,brush my teeth.Then I put on my work clothes ’cause they’ve been ironed the night before. And my lunch, you see, has been made the night before as well, so all I have to do when I go back in the kitchen is just get it out.

Then I ummmmmm,Put those clothes on that have already been ironed and laid out,put my perfume on,take one last look in the mirror, andsay good-bye to my husband and the dog, and it’s aboutseven-o-five.And then I leave.I like to get to work beforeseven-thirty. [End Page 99]

Robert D. Quinn
East Carolina University

