In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

Index to Books Reviewed In 'Letters in Canada' Adams, Charles J., ed A Reade,s Guide to fhe Great Religiolls 511 Aldus, P.J. Mousetrap; Structure alld Mean- ;ngin'Hamlet' 402 Anderson, Patrick Refum to Canada 351 Armerding, Carl E., and W. Ward Casque, eds Dreams. VisiollSand Oracles: Tlte Layman's Guide to Biblical Prophecy 513 Armstrong, Duncan T. Distant Music 353 Aspects }66 Atwood, Margaret Dancing Girls ) 29 Aubert, Rosemary Two Kinds of HOlley 351 Baran, A. See Gerus, O.W., A. Baran, and J. Rozumnyj Bea ttie, Eleanor Tlte Handbook of Canadian Film 469 Beaulieu, Michel Anecdotes 361; Le Cercle de justice 361; Indicati! present 361; L'Octobre suivi de Derives 361 Beaulieu, Victor-Levy MOllsieurZero )80; Sagamolob / 343 Beausoleil, CI~ude Le Temps maya )63 Begin, Luc A. Depuis silence 363 Besenovsky, L'udo V Krvi t a nosim. Verse [We Carry It in Our Blood] 499 Bessette, Gerard Les Anfltropofdes 344 Bilaniuk, Petro B.T. Studies ill Eastern Christianity 516 Birney, Earle The DrllJmation a/Vancouver 372; Ghost ill the Wheels 348 Bolt, Carol One Nigltt Stalld 367 Bongie, Laurence L. Diderot's 'Femme Savallte' 429 Borson, Roo Landfall 353 Bosco, Monique Charles Levy, M.D. 341 Bouchard, Denis Une lecture d'Amze Hebert: La recherche d'r,me mytllologie 463 Boucher, Denise, et Madeleine Gagnon Retailles . Complai/ttes politiques 359 Bourassa, Andre G. Surrealisme et litteratUre qllebecoise 365, 462 Bourque, Gilles L'Etat cnpitaliste et la questiOl /llatiolla/e 503 Bowering, George Alloplranes 347 Boyle, Marjorie O'Rourke EraslIllls on Langllage alld Met1lod in Theology 519 Brewster, Elizabeth Poems (So metimes I T1link of Movillg) 349 Bridges, Marjorie Lismer A Border of Beauty: Arthllr Lismer's Pen and Pellcil 467 Brossard, Nicole L'Amer au Ie c1zapitre efIri " 339,359 Brown, Alan. See Roy, Gabrielle Buckler, Ernest W/lirligig; Selected Proseami Verse 445 Burbidge, John Beillg alld Will: An Essay ill Philosop11ical Theology 519 Callaghan, Morley Close to the Sun Agaill 332 Cameron, J.M. On the Idea of a University 483 Caron, Louis L'EmmitoufU )45 Carrier, Roch llll'y a pas de pays salis grmld-pere 342 Charlebois, Jean Hallches lIeige 362 Charron, Franljois La Vie de couple 365; La Promenade dll specialiste )65 Clark, Elizabeth, and Herbert Richardson, eds Women alld Religion: A Feminist Sourcebook ofChristian Tltougllt 520 Coburn, Kathleen In Pursuit of Coleridge 4'3 CoUie, Michael Jules Lafargue 4)1; ed Les Complainfes de Jules Lafargue 431 Colombo, John Robert Variable Cloudiness 348; see also Levchev, Lubomir Coward, Harold, and Terence Penelhum, eds Mystics and Scholars: The Calgary Conference 011 Mysticism I976 511 Coward, Harold, and Krishna Sivaraman, eds Revelatioll ill Indian Thought: A 524 IN DEX TO BOOKS REVIEWED Festsc"rift ill HOIlOllr of Professor T.R. V. MlIrti 511 Craigie, Peter C. The Book of Dellteronomy 5' 3 Davey, Frank, ed Tisll No. 1 - 19 451 Davies, Robertson Dill' Half of Robertsoll Davies 445 Desautels, Denise Marie, tout s'ctcig"aif en 1IIoi ... )60 DesRochers, Alfred CEuvres poetiques 364 des Roches, Roger DII commellcement ilia fill 365; Propagande 365 di Cicco, Pier Giorgio Tlte Circular Dark 352; The Sad Facts 352 Dion, Conrad. See Laberge, Albert Dionne, Rene. See Gerin-Lajoie, Antoine Dorion, Gilles Presence de Paul BOllrget au Canada 455 Dostaler, Yves Les lnfortulles dll romall dalls Ie Quebec dll XIXe siec1e 455 Dunlop-Hebert, Carol. See Hebert, Anne Dupont, Jean-Claude Heritage d' Acadie 479 Edmonstone, Wayne E. Nathan Cohell: Tfle Makillg of a Critic 443 Ellipse 382 Epp, Frank H. Mennonite People/Wad: A Plea for New Initiatives 521 Estllaire 366 Fairley, Barker Poems 348 Feder, Alison, and Bernice Schrank, eds Literature and Folk Culture: [reland and Newfolmd/flJld 415 Feldman, Seth, and Joyce Nelson Canadian Film Reader 469 Fennario, David Sails parachute, trans Gilles Henault 393 Fennell, William O. God's I"tention for Mall: Essays in Christian Anthropology 517 Feudo, Frank Poems 3.52 Filion, Jean-Paul Les Murs de MOlltreal 341 Findley, Timothy Tile Wars 326 Fischman, Sheila. See Giguere, Roland; Major, Andre Fisette, Jean Le texte automaHste. Essai de theorie/pratique de semiotiqlle textllelle 365 Foi et epistemologies contemporailles 517 Fortier, Paul A. Une lecture de Camus: fa valCllr des e...

