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«:l UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO PRESS 198) All rights reserved. Permission to reproduce in whole or in part must be obtained in writing from University of Toronto Press CONTRIBUTORS LOUIS DUDEK Poet, Professor of English, McGill University; Literature and the Press (1960), The First Person in Literature (1967), Collected Poems (1971), Selected Essays and Criticism (1978), Technology and Culture (1979), Open Letter: Louis Dudek issue (1981) DAVlD L. JEFFREY Professor of English, University of Ottawa; Modern Fiction and the Rebirth of Theology (1973), The Early English Lyric and Franciscan Spirituality (1975), editor, By Things Seen: Reference and Recognition in Medieval Thought (1979) EMERO STIEGMAN Professor of Religious Studies, St Mary's University; Rabbinic Theology (1979) GBORGB WOODCOCK Essayist, critic, poet, broadcaster; founder of Canadian Literature and its first editor (1959-77); author of numerous books including Odysseus Ever Returning (1970) and The World of Canadian Writing (1980) ROBERT A. FOTHERGILL Associate Professor of English, Atkinson College, York University; Private Chronicles (1974) M . TRAVIS LANE Poet; An Inch or So ofGarden (1969), Poems 1968-1972 (1973), Homecomings (1977), Divinations and Shorter Poems (1980) T.D. MAC LULICH No academic affiliation; Voyages (1981) GORDON TESKEY Assistant Professor of English, Cornell University continued on p 220 CONTRIBUTORS (continued) ROBERTSON DAVIES Novelist, playwright, scholar, Master Emeritus, Massey College, University of Toronto; author of numerous books including Fifth Business (1970), The Manticore (1972), World of Wonders (1975), The Rebel Angels (1981), TIle Well-Tempered Critic (1981), High Spirits (1982) J.M . CAMERON Professor Emeritus, St MichaeJ's College, University of Toronto; The Night Battle (1962), Images ofAuthority (1966), On the Idea ofa University (1978) ...

