In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Jurisprudence of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura*

[End Page 229]

1. Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura, Decree of the Secretary, September 20, 2013, Prot. N. 47834/13 CA—Reduction of a church to profane use—Request for free legal representation—Obligation of

Prot. N. 47834/13 CA
Reductionis ecclesiae in usum profanum
( N. et alii—Congregatio pro Clericis)

In causa de qua supra, litteris diei 7 augusti 2013 ad Cl.mam D.nam N. datis, hoc Supremum Tribunal statuit: a) terminum peremptorium viginti dierum ut pars recurrens suetam cautionem solveret, et b) terminum triginta dierum ut advocatum-procuratorem sibi constitueret.

Instantia autem diei 28 augusti 2013, pars recurrens petiit gratuitum patrocinium et exemptionem ab obligatione deponendi consuetam cautionem necnon, quatenus negative, prorogationem sex mensium terminorum statutorum ob difficultatem oeconomicam.

Quibus praehabitis,


Perspecto quod constat Cl.mam D.nam N. litteras huius Supremi Fori die 12 augusti 2013 accepisse;

Attento quod gratuitum patrocinium tantum peti potest ad normam art. 31, §1 Legis propriae H.S.T., id est probationes exhibendo, quibus recurrentis oeconomica condicio apparet, quodque pars recurrens id optime novit ex folio (p. 2, n. 6), quod ei una cum illis litteris datum est;

Perspecto quod pars recurrens nihilominus suam condicionem oeconomicam per documenta haud demonstravit, quam ob rem eius instantia diei 28 augusti 2013 considerari nequit;

Cum pars recurrens intra terminum peremptorium statutum, immo hactenus, cautionem non deposuerit;

Animadverso quoque quod onus deponendi cautionem ei incumbit qui adversus decisionem Congregationis recurrit, non autem Auctoritati ecclesiasticae resistenti;

Audito Promotore Iustitiae Substituto,


Causam peremptam declarandam esse et facto declarari.

Et notificetur iis quorum interest ad omnes iuris effectus.

Datum Romae, e sede Supremi Signaturae Apostolicae Tribunalis, die 20 septembris 2013.

+ Franciscus Daneels, o. praem., Secretarius
Iosephus Ferdinandus Mejía Yáñez, M.G., Moderator Cancellariae [End Page 230]

recurrent to demonstrate financial condition—Failure to demonstrate financial condition—Failure to make the required deposit within the established peremptory time limit—Cause is declared abated

Prot. N. 47834/13 CA
Reduction of a Church to Profane Use
(Mrs. N. and Others—Congregation for the Clergy)

In the above captioned cause, by the August 7, 2013 letter given to the Respected Mrs. N., this Supreme Tribunal established: a) the peremptory time limit of 20 days for the Respected recurrent party to pay the customary deposit, and b) the time limit of 30 days to appoint a procurator-advocate for herself.

However, by the petition of August 28, 2013, the recurrent party requested free legal representation and an exemption from the obligation of making the customary deposit and also, if this were decided negatively, a six month extension of the established time limit due to financial difficulty.

These things having taken place,


Having considered that it is established that the Respected Mrs. N. had received the letter of this Supreme Tribunal on August 12, 2013;

In light of the fact that free legal representation can only be requested according to the norm of art. 31, §1 of the Lex propria of this Supreme Tribunal, that is, by exhibiting proofs from which the financial condition of the recurrent is apparent,1 and that the recurrent party knew this very well from the sheet (p. 2, no. 6) that was given to her together with that letter;

Having considered that the recurrent party nevertheless did not demonstrate her financial condition through documents, for which reason her request of August 28, 2013 cannot be considered;

Since the recurrent party did not make the deposit within the established peremptory time limit, and still has not done so;

Having observed that the burden of submitting the deposit falls to the one who is making recourse against the decision of the Congregation, and not to the resisting ecclesiastical Authority;

Having heard the Very Reverend Substitute Promoter of Justice;

has decreed:

The cause is to be declared and is in fact declared abated.

And this is to be communicated to the interested parties for all the effects of law.

Given at Rome from the seat of the Supreme Tribunal of the Apostolic Signatura on September 20, 2013.

+ Frans...

