In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Cycles
  • Linda Young (bio)

Cycles of           bad medicine can visit           a people Cycles so short that they           give the perception of           constant inundation Others stretch out           to such length . . . you can           almost think you're           in the clear . . . Cycles of pain           Cycles of violence           Cycles of deprivation Twist together like a braid           weaving through the fabric of my People Cycles robbed me           of my Grandmother           made her bolt in pain and shame           fled far from her native home To birth . . . And vanish The time . . . only 40 years off the Plains           Victimized . . . Marginalized Leaving Mother to be           raised by white people who           didn't get [End Page 87] What it means to be Native What it means to be connected           to Earth           to Sky What the winds mean Mother grew . . . learned . . . loved . . . aged . . .           and passed through           the Western door With no knowledge           of the Cycle that begat her           or the identity of her People Cycles came round again           to claim her child           pain           violence           shame Moment of decision . . .           do the Cycles define you . . . or Does the SEEING           set you free?

Linda Young

Linda Young is an educator and free-lance photographer of Lakota heritage. She holds BS and MS degrees in education from Indiana University. Currently the director of student teaching, Young has earned merit status as a member of the associate faculty at Indiana University South Bend. Prior to her work at Indiana University, she was an elementary classroom teacher. Young's research interests include American Indian culture and history, technology, education, and issues of culture and equity in education as related to American Indian and gay and lesbian students.


