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Notes on Contributors l isa a n d e r s o n is president of the American University in Cairo. Her research has included w ork on social science, academic research, and public policy. Her books include Pursuing Truth ExercisingPower: Social Science and Public Policyin the Twenty-first Century (2003). jo r g e b a ia n , a sociologist and inter­ national education expert, is a senior research scholar at Columbia University’s School of International and Public Affairs. His most recent book is World Class Worldwide: TransformingResearch Universities inAsia and LatinAmerica (with Altbach, 2007). a h m e d c. b a w a , a theoretical physicist, is vice chancellor and principal of the Durban University ofTechnology. He served as a program officer for higher education in Africa w ith the Ford Foundation, leading and coordinat­ ing Ford’s African Higher Education Initiative. ja m s h e d b h a r u c h a is president o f the Cooper Union and former provost and senior vice president ofTufts University. As a psychologist w ho studies cognitive neuroscience and music perception, his research has focused on the cognitive and neural basis ofthe perception of music. h e n r y s . b ie n e n , president emeritus of Northwestern University, is a nation­ ally recognized leader in higher educa­ tion. He is a m em ber of the American Academy ofArts and Sciences and a m em ber of the board of directors ofthe Council on Foreign Relations. p e t e r b r o o k s , Sterling Professor of Comparative Literature Emeritus at Yale University, is currently Andrew W. Mellon Foundation Scholar at Princeton University. He is the author of several books, includingJames Goesto Paris (2007) and Enigmas ofIdentity (2011). An d r e w d e l b a n c o is Mendelson Family Chair ofAmerican studies and Levi Professor in the hum anities at Columbia University. Recipient ofthe 2011 National Humanities Medal, he is the author of m any books, including, m ost recently, College: WhatIt Was, Is, and ShouldBe (2012). j o h n a u b r e y d o u g l a s s is senior research fellow for public policy and higher education at the Center for Studies in Higher Education at the University of California, Berkeley. He is the founder and head ofthe Student Experience in the Research University Consortium. j a m e s j. d u d e r s t a d t is President Emeritus and University Professor of Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan. His interests include nuclear science, science and policy, and higher education. He chairs the Division of Policy and Global Affairs of the National Research Council. d a n i e l f a l l o n is professor emeritus of public policy and psychology at the University of Maryland at College Park. He has published widely in animal and hum an behavior, w ith a focus on learn­ ing and motivation, as well as public policy, primarily in the area of compara­ tive higher education. M a tth e w G o ld s te in is chancellor of the City University of New York. As a mathematician, he has coauthored three books and authored numerous articles on mathematics and statistics. He is a fellow of the American Academy ofArts and Sciences and the New York Academy of Sciences. n e i l g r a b o is , dean of the Milano School for International Affairs, Management, and Urban Policy at The New School for Public Engagement in New York City, sits on the boards of Swarthmore College, the Jewish Foundation for the Education ofWomen, and the Michael Wolk Heart Foundation. M. s. v ija y k u m a r is assistant provost and director of academic computing at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, where he provides strategic leadership for academic computing in information systems and technology as well as academic media production services. a l a n r y a n is visiting professor of politics at Princeton University and the former warden of New...

