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social research An International Quarterly Voi 77 : No 4 :Winter 2010 Volume 77 Table of Contents Index of Contributors social research Voi 77 : No 4 : W inter 2010 1447 Contents VoI 77 : Nos 1-4 VoI 77 : No 1 Migration Politics v Endangered Scholars Worldwide xi VICTORIA HATTAM AND RIVA KASTORYANO Guest Editors’Introduction 1 KENNETH PREWITT When Social Inequality Maps to Demographic Diversity, What Then for Liberal Democracy? 21 ROGERS M. SMITH From the Shining City on a Hill to a Great Metropolis on a Plain? American Stories of Immigration and Peoplehood 45 SON-THIERRY LY AND PATRICK WEIL The Antiracist Origin of the Quota System 79 RIVA KASTORYANO Codes of Otherness 101 MARY C. WATERS AND PHILIP KASINITZ Discrimination, Race Relations, and the Second Generation 133 VICTORIA HATTAM AND CARLOS YESCAS From Immigration and Race to Sex and Faith: Reimagining the Politics of Opposition 163 RICHARD ALBA Connecting the Dots between Boundary Change and LargeScale Assimilation with Zolbergian Clues l8 l SOPHIE BODY-GENDROT European Policies of Social Control Post-9/11 205 MARTIN A. SCHAIN Managing Difference: Immigrant Integration Policy in France, Britain, and the United States 1448 social research 237 ALEXANDRA DELANO Immigrant Integration vs. Transnational Ties? The Role of the Sending State 269 JOHNTORPEY A (Post-)Secular Age? Religion and the Two Exceptionalisms 297 THOMAS FAIST Cultural Diversity and Social Inequalities 325 RICARD ZAPATA-BARRERO Theorizing State Behavior in International Migrations: An Evaluative Ethical Framework 353 JAMES D. INGRAM AND TRIADAFILOS TRIADAFILOPOULOS Rights, Norms, and Politics: The Case of German Citizenship Reform Roundtable: Reflections on A ristide Zolberg’s Life and W ork 385 ANN SNITOW The Joy of Memory 391 DAVID APTER Interdisciplinary from the Start 399 COURTNEY JUNG Professor Zolberg Goes to Africa 405 IRA KATZNELSON Pluralism in Scholarship and Experience 411 ARISTIDE ZOLBERG Decoding Patterns VoI 77 : No 2 Happiness v Endangered Scholars Worldwide xi ARIEN MACK Editor’s Introduction 421 ALAN RYAN Happiness and Political Philosophy 441 BO ROTHSTEIN Happiness and the Welfare State Index, Volume 77 1449 469 DARRIN M. MCMAHON What Does the Ideal of Happiness Mean? 491 ALEXANDER WELSH Living Happily However After 523 ADAM POTKAY Narrative Possibilities of Happiness, Unhappiness, and Joy 545 SANDER L. GILMAN Happiness and Unhappiness as a “Jewish Question” 569 MARK LARRIMORE Religion and the Promise of Happiness 595 JON MILLER A Distinction Regarding Happiness in Ancient Philosophy 625 FRED FELDMAN On the Philosophical Implications of Empirical Research on Happiness 659 MORTEN L. KRINGELBACH AND KENT C. BERRIDGE The Neuroscience of Happiness and Pleasure 679 ALOIS STUTZER AND BRUNO S. FREY Recent Advances in the Economics of Individual Subjective Well-Being 715 CAROL GRAHAM, SOUMYA CHATTOPADHYAY, AND MARIO PICON Adapting to Adversity: Happiness and the 2009 Economic Crisis in the United States 749 ANKE C. PLAGNOL Subjective Well-Being over the Life Course: Conceptualizations and Evaluations VoI 77 : No 3 Limiting Knowledge in a Democracy v Endangered Scholars Worldwide xiii ARIEN MACK Editor’s Introduction 1450 social research Part I: Recurrence of Limits on Knowledge 769 JAMES E. MILLER Introduction: Recurrence of Limits on Knowledge 773 DANIEL ELLSBERG Secrecy and National Security Whistleblowing 805 DAVID T. BARSTOW The Freedom of Information Act and the Press: Obstruction or Transparency? 811 CHRISTOPHER CAPOZZOLA Afterburn: Knowledge and Wartime 827 GLENN GREENWALD Limiting Democracy: The American Media’s World View, and Ours 839 STEVEN AFTERGOOD National Security Secrecy: How the Limits Change Part II: Arguments For and Against Limits on Knowledge in a Democracy 855 DAVID Z. ALBERT Introduction: Arguments for and against Limits on Knowledge in a Democracy 857 PHILIP ICITCHER Varieties of Freedom and Their Distribution 873 JAMEEL JAFFER The Mosaic Theory 883 JULIE E. COHEN The Inverse Relationship between Secrecy and Privacy Part III: Limits on Knowledge: The Nexus of Power, Policy, and Research 901 KENNETH PREWITT Introduction: Limits to Knowledge? No Easy Answer 905 RONALD BAYER AND AMY FAIRCHILD When Worlds Collide: Health Surveillance, Privacy, and Public Policy Index, Volume 77 1451 931 TREBOR SCHOLZ Introduction: Points of Control 941 PETER GALISON Secrecy in Three Acts 975 ERIC LICHTBLAU The Obama Administration’s Commitment to Transparency: A Progress Report 981 JOHN PALFREY Four Phases of Internet Regulation 997 DANIEL SAREWITZ Normal Science and...

