In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

PAPERS BY ROBERT L. HEILBRONER PUBLISHED IN SOCIAL RESEARCH Labor Unrest in the British Nationalized Sector. 19:1 (1952): 61-78 Is Economic Theory Possible? 33:2 (1966): 272-294 Rhetoric and Reality in the Straggle between Business and the State. 35:3 (1968): 401-425 In Memoriam: Henry G. Aubrey-1906-1970. 37:3 (1970): 321-323 Economics as “Value-Free” Science. 40:1 (1973): 129-143 Marxism, Psychoanalysis, and the Problem of a Unified Theory of Behavior. 42:3 (1975): 414-432 Was Schumpeter Right? 48:3 (1981): 456-471 The Problem ofValue in the Constitution of Economic Thought. 50:2 (1983): 253-277 Rethinking the Past, Rehopingthe Future. 57:3 (1990): 579-586 Economics as Universal Science. 58:2 (1991): 457-474 History’s Lessons. 59:4 (1992): 689-703 Putting Economics in its Place. 62:4 (1995): 883-897 The Concept of Technology: History, Definitions, and Critiques. Introduction. 64:3 (1997): 945-946 Technology and Capitalism. 64:3 (1997): 1321-1325 xii social research ...

