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Notes on Contributors p e t e r e i g e n , a lawyerby training, is the founder ofTransparency International, a civil societyorganization promoting transparency and accountabilityin inter­ national development. He has worked in economic development for 25 years, mainly as a World Bank manager of programs in Africa and LatinAmerica. Since 2007 he has been a member ofKofi Annan’sAfrica Progress Panel. l e s l i e h o l m e s is a professor ofpolitical science at the University ofMelbourne, a fellow ofthe Academy ofthe Social Sciences in Australia, and a recurrent visiting professor at the Universityof Bologna, the Graduate School ofSocial Research in Warsaw, and the People’s Universityin Beijing. ja m e s b . J a c o b s is WarrenE. Burger Professor ofLawand Director, Center for Research in Crime andJustice, New YorkUniversity School ofLaw. His books include BreakingtheDevil’s Pact: TheBattle toFree the Teamstersfrom the Mob (with Cooperman, 2011) and Mobsters, Unions, and Feds: Organized Crime and theAmerican LaborMovement (2006). m i c h a e l j o h n s t o n is the Charles A. Dana Professor ofPolitical Science at Colgate University. His book Syndromes ofCorruption won the 2009 Grawemeyer Award for Ideas ImprovingWorld Order. His newest book is Corruption, Contention, and Reform: ThePowerofDeep Democratization (2014). j o h n k r i n s k y is the chair ofthe political science department at the City College of NewYork. His publications include Free Labor: Workfare and the Contested Language ofNeoliberalism (2007). s h e i l a k r u m h o l z , executive director of the Center for Responsive Politics, speaks regularlywith news organizations, scholars, government officials, and NGOs as a moneyin politics analyst. She has testified before Congress and the Federal Election Commission on issues related to government transparency. ALENA V. LEDENEVA is professor ofpoli­ tics and society at the University College London. Her publications include Can Russia Modernize? Sistema, PowerNetworks and Informal Governance (2013), HowRussia ReallyWorks (2006), and Russia’s Economyof Favours (1998). a l i n a m u n g iu - p ip p id i teaches democ­ ratization and policy analysis at the Hertie School ofGovernance and chairs the European Research Centre forAntiCorruption and State BuildingResearch. She also codirects the EUFP7 five-year research projectANTICORRP. b o r o t h s t e in holds the August Rohss Chair in Political Science at Universityof Gothenburg in Sweden, where he is head ofthe Quality ofGovernment Institute. He is a member ofthe Royal Swedish Academy and a regular contributor to the public debate in Sweden. ALAN r y a n is visitingprofessor ofpoli­ tics at PrincetonUniversity and former warden ofNew College, University of Oxford. The author ofseveral books on political philosophy, hewrites frequentlyfor the NewYorkReviewo fBooks, LondonReviewofBooks, and TimesLiterary Supplement. d e b r a s a t z is Marta SuttonWeeks Professor ofEthics in Society, professor of philosophy, and senior associate dean for the humanities and arts at Stanford University. Herrecent books are Why Some ThingsShould NotBefor Sale: The Limits o fMarkets (2010) and OccupytheFuture (coeditor, 2012). m a r k u n g a r is professor ofpoliti­ cal science and criminaljustice at the Graduate Center and Brooklyn College ofthe City University ofNewYork. His books include PolicingDemocracy: Overcoming Obstaclesto Citizen Security Reform in LatinAmerica (2011). A n d r e w w e d e m a n ’s publications include DoubleParadox: Rapid Growth and Rising Corruption in China (2012), selected byForeign Affairs as one of30 best inter­ national relations books of2012, and numerous articles in academicjournals, including China Quarterly,Journal of Contemporary China, and ChinaReview. r i c h a r d w h i t e , Margaret Byrne Professor ofAmerican Histoiy at Stanford University, is the author o fTheMiddle Ground: Indians, Empires and Republicin the GreatLakesRegion, 1650-1815, a finalist for the 1992 PulitzerPrize. His research focuses on theAmerican Northwest, and on social, environmental, and cultural cross-currents. ...

