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  • Contributors

Rahel Berkovits lectures in Talmud, halakah and the status of women in Judaism at the Pardes Institute of Jewish Studies in Jerusalem. She has been teaching there for over eighteen years and before that spent many years studying Talmud and Jewish texts in both traditional and academic frameworks at such institutions as Midreshet Lindenbaum, The Shalom Hartman Institute, and Hebrew University in both the Talmud and Jewish education departments. Rahel writes articles and lectures widely in both Israel and abroad on topics concerning women and Jewish law, and recently published the book, “A Daughter’s Recitation of Mourner’s Kaddish.” She is a founding member of Congregation Shirah Hadasha, a progressive halakic minyan, which is enriched by both male and female participation in synagogue ritual. Rahel lives in Jerusalem with her family.

David Ellenson is President and the I. H. and Anna Grancell Professor of Jewish Religious Thought at Hebrew Union College-Jewish Institute of Religion. His work, After Emancipation: Jewish Religious Responses to Modernity, won a National Jewish Book Award in 2005. In 2012, he coauthored, with Daniel Gordis, Pledges of Jewish Allegiance: Conversion, Law, and Policymaking in 19th and 20th Century Orthodox Responsa. His book, Jewish Meaning in a World of Choice, will be published by the Jewish Publication Society and the University of Nebraska Press in 2014 in their Scholars of Distinction Series.

Zev Garber is Emeritus Professor and Chair of Jewish Studies and Philosophy at Los Angeles Valley College and has served as Visiting Professor of Religious Studies at University of California at Riverside, as Visiting Rosenthal Professor of Judaic Studies at Case Western Reserve University, and as President of the National Association of Professors of Hebrew. He is the Founder and Editor-in-Chief of two academic series, Studies in Shoah (UPA) and Shofar Supplements in Jewish Studies (Purdue University Press), and serves as Editor of Shofar. His publications include Methodology in the Academic Teaching of the Holocaust; Teaching Hebrew Language and Literature at the CollegeLevel; Shoah: The Paradigmatic Genocide; Academic Approaches to Teaching Jewish Studies; Post-Shoah Dialogues: Rethinking Our Texts Together (with Steven Jacobs, Henry Knight, and James Moore); Mel Gibson’s Passion: The Film, the Controversy, and Its Implications; The Impact of the Holocaust in America: The Jewish Role in American Life); and The Jewish Jesus: Revelation, Reflection, Reclamation. [End Page 160]

David Hazony received his Ph.D. in Jewish Thought at The Hebrew University in Jerusalem. His first book, The Ten Commandments: How Our Most Ancient Moral Text Can Renew Modern Life (2010) was a finalist for the National Jewish Book Award. He has edited two volumes of the thought of Eliezer Berkovits, who was also the subject of his doctoral dissertation. His one translated novel, Emuna Elon’s If You Awaken Love (2007), was a finalist for the National Jewish Book Award in 2007. He is currently the editor of The Tower Magazine, a long-form, online monthly publication dedicated to Israel and the Middle East, published by The Israel Project.

Over the years, his writings have appeared in The New Republic,, the Forward, Commentary, Moment, The Jewish Chronicle, The New York Sun, Policy Review, the Jerusalem Post, and others. He is also a contributing editor at The Forward. From 2004-2007, he served as editor-in-chief of Azure, Israel’s leading journal of public affairs.

Marc B. Shapiro holds the Weinberg Chair in Judaic Studies at the University of Scranton. He is the author of Between the Yeshiva World and Modern Orthodoxy: The Life and World of Rabbi Jehiel Jacob Weinberg, 1884-1966 (1999), and The Limits of Orthodox Theology (2004).

David Shatz is Professor of Philosophy at Yeshiva University. He has edited, co-edited, or authored fifteen books and has published nearly seventy articles and reviews, dealing with both general and Jewish philosophy. His work in general philosophy focuses on the theory of knowledge, free will, ethics, and the philosophy of religion, while his work in Jewish philosophy focuses on Jewish ethics, Maimonides, Judaism and science, and twentieth century rabbinic figures. A book of his collected essays, Jewish Thought in Dialogue, appeared in 2009. His edited and co-edited books include Rabbi...

