In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Notices

Every issue of Postmodern Culture will carry notices of events, calls for papers, and other announcments, up to 250 words, free of charge. Advertisements will also be published on an exchange basis. Send anouncements and advertisements to:

Journal and Book Announcements:

  1. 1. _AXE: E-mail Newsletter

  2. 2. _The Centennial Review_

  3. 3. _College Literature_

  4. 4. _FineArt Forum_

  5. 5. _F.A.S.T._

  6. 6. _Future Culture_

  7. 7. _Gender, Language, and Myth: Essays on Popular Narrative_

  8. 8. _GNET_: An Archive and Electronic Journal

  9. 9. _The Internet Companion_

  10. 10. _The Law and Politics Book Review_

  11. 11. _NOMAD_

  12. 12. _Non Serviam_

  13. 13. _Poetics Today_

  14. 14. _Positions_

  15. 15. _Public Culture_

  16. 16. _PYNCHON NOTES_

  17. 17. _Sub Stance_

  18. 18. _TapRoot_

  19. 19. _XB_

Calls for Papers and Participants:

  1. 20. SUNY PRESS: _Postmodern Culture_

  2. 21. HERMIT 93

  3. 22. The Experience of Theory: Literary Symposium organized by and for young scholars—call for papers addressing the experience of theory

  4. 23. Montage 93: International Festival of the Image—call for work from independent producers for an exhibition of electronic time-based media.

  5. 24. 1993 Annual Meeting of the Society for Literature and Science—call for papers

  6. 25. Simulation & Gaming: An International Journal of Theory, Design, and Research”—call for papers

  7. 26. Simulation & Gaming: An International Journal of Theory, Design, and Research”—call for Guest Editorships

Conferences and Societies

  1. 27. Video Positive 93

  2. 28. NARRATIVE: An International Conference

Networked Discussion Groups

  1. 29. _ORTRAD-L_

  2. 30. _SEMIOS_L_

  3. 31. _SOCHIST_

  4. 32. _INTERDIS_


_AXE: E-mail Newsletter_

A quarterly electronic journal dedicated to contemporary French Language, Modern and Postmodern Literature (Quebec, Belgium, Switzerland, Africa, and Caribbean). Published essentially in French.

To subscribe to the journal, send the command SUB AXE-LIST Firstname Lastname (where these are the first and last names of the individual subscriber) bt electronic mail to the addressee:


Electronic subscribers will receive instructions on how to order a list of available articles, how to retrieve full texts of these articles, and how to cancel subscriptions. To make access to the journal more manageable, access is provided to individual articles rather than entire issues. However, interested readers may order all articles from an issue. Inquiries for the list should be sent to Janusz PRZYCHODZEN at McGill University in Canada (CXZN@MUSICA.MCGILL.CA).

AXE-TALK is the AXE Journal discussion group. Subscriptions to AXE-TALK are independent of subscriptions to AXE-LIST; if you are not a discussion group subscriber and would like to be, send command SUB AXE-LIST Firstname Lastname by electronic mail to the address:


A directory of all AXE-LIST articles are available on Comserve. To obtain the list, send the following command to:



_The Centennial Review_

Edited by R.K. Meiners

The _Centennial Review_ is committed to reflection on intellectual work, particularly as set in the University and its environment. We are interested in work that examines models of theory and communication in the physical, biological, and human sciences; that re-reads major texts and authoritative documents in different disciplines or explores interpretive procedures; that questions the cultural and social implications of research in a variety of disciplines.

Issues now available:

Fall 1991: _Discourses of Mourning, Survival, and Commemoration_ Articles by James Hatley, Donald Kuspit, Tony Brinkley, and Joseph Arsenault, Marshall W. Alcorn, Jr., Peter Balakian, R.K. Meiners, Louis Kaplan, Haqns Borchers, Morris Grossman, Berel Lang, David William Foster; Poetry by Dimitris Tsalouman, Sherri Szeman, Walter Toneeo, Henry Gilfond, Elizabeth R. Curry, Peter Balakian.

Winter 1992: _Cultural Studies_ Articles by Douglas Kellner, Eyal Amiran, John Unsworth, and Carol Chaski, Steven Best, Janet Staiger, Jeffrey Seinfeld, Charles Altieri, Tony Barnstone; Poetry by Hillel Schwartz, Robert Hahn, Michael Atkinson, John Hildebidle.

Spring 1992: Articles by Stephen Gill, Peter Baker, R.M. Berry, Carole Anne Taylor, Michel Valentin, Edward M. Griffen, Robert Erwin, Ronald Hauser, Karl Albert Scherner (trans. Ronald Hauser), Diana Dolev and Haim Gordon, Albert Feuerwerker, Donald Lammers, Ileana A. Orlich.

Subscription rates: 1 year/$10.00 2 years/$15.00
Single Issue/$5.00
(postage outside the US: please add $3.00)

Make checks payable to:

_The Centennial Review_
312 Linton Hall
Michigan State...
