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  • Book Reviews

The French edition of Population features a selection of book reviews edited by Francisco MUÑOZ-PÉREZ, which is not translated into English. Issue no. 1, 2011 includes a thematic selection of reviews on "New forms of conjugality" coordinated by Wilfried RAULT and Marie DIGOIX, Fertility, Family and Sexuality research unit, Institut national d'études démographiques (INED).

New forms of conjugality

Caroline HENCHOZ, Le couple, l'amour et l'argent. La construction conjugale des dimensions économiques de la relation amoureuse, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2008, 261 p. Reviewed by Jérôme COURDURIÈS
Hélène BELLEAU, Caroline HENCHOZ (eds.), L'usage de l'argent dans le couple : pratiques et perceptions des comptes amoureux. Perspective internationale, Paris, L'Harmattan, 2008, 323 p. Reviewed by Anne SOLAZ
Amanda K. BAUMLE, D'Lane COMPTON, Dudley L. POSTON Jr., Same-Sex Partners. The Social Demography of Sexual Orientation, Albany, State University of New York Press, 2009, 224 p. Reviewed by Wilfried RAULT
José Ignacio PICHARDO GALÁN, Entender la diversidad familiar. Relaciones homosexuales y nuevos modelos de familia, Barcelona, Edicions Bellaterra, 2009, 382 p. Reviewed by Jérôme COURDURIÈS
Virginie DESCOUTURES, Les mères lesbiennes, Paris, Presses universitaires de France, "Partage du savoir" series, 2010, 248 p. Reviewed by Virginie ROZÉE
Catherine DESCHAMPS, Laurent GAISSAD, Christelle TARAUD, Hétéros : discours, lieux, pratiques, Paris, Epel, 2009, 222 p. Reviewed by Sylvie TISSOT
Erika FLAHAULT, Une vie à soi. Nouvelles formes de solitude au féminin, Rennes, Presses universitaires de Rennes, 2009, 200 p. Reviewed by Yaëlle AMSELLEM-MAINGUY
Andrew J. CHERLIN, The Marriage-Go-Round: The State of Marriage and the Family in America Today, New York, Vintage books, 2009, 288 p. Reviewed by Eva BEAUJOUAN
Jean-Hugues DÉCHAUX, Sociologie de la famille, Paris, La Découverte, Repères, 2009, 126 p. Reviewed by Charlotte DEBEST

Other books

Christina BOSWELL, The Political Uses of Expert Knowledge, New York, Cambridge University Press, 2009, 280 p. Reviewed by Sorana TOMA [End Page 227]
Elise DE LA ROCHEBROCHARD (ed.), De la pilule au bébé-éprouvette. Choix individuels ou stratégies médicales ?, Paris, Institut national d'études démographiques, Cahier nº 161, 2008, 260 p. Reviewed by Alexandra LEVASSEUR
Alain BLUM, Nicolas WERTH (eds.), La grande Terreur en URSS, Paris, Vingtième siècle. Revue d'histoire, 107, 2010, 256 p. Reviewed by Kamel KATEB [End Page 228]

