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Books received Alexander, Jonathon J. G., Medieval illuminators and their methods of work, N e w Haven, Yale University Press, 1993; cloth; pp. viii, 214; 247 plates; R.R.P. US$50.00. Amt, Emilie, Women's lives in medieval Europe: a sourcebook, N.Y. & London, Routledge, 1993; paper; pp. ix, 347; R.R.P. AUS$32.00 [distributed in Australia by the Law Book Company]. Atasoy, Nurhan, Afif Bahnassi and Michael Rogers, The art of Islam, place of publication not stated, UNESCO/Hammarion, 1992; cloth; pp. 176; numerous plates, 1 map, 1 chronological table; R.R.P. AUS$99.00 [distributed in Australia by Thames & Hudson]. Barlowe, Jerome and William Roye, Rede me and be not wrothe, ed. Douglas H. Parker, Toronto/Buffalo/London, University of Toronto Press, 1992; cloth; pp. vii, 247; 1 plate; R.R.P. CAN$50.00. Barber, Malcolm, The two cities: medieval Europe 1050-1320, rpt, London & New York, Routledge, 1992; paper; pp. xv, 581; 14 plates, 11 maps, 19 tables, 2 figures; R.R.P. AUSS38.95 [distributed in Australia by the Law Book Company]. Barnes, Geraldine, Counsel and strategy in Middle English Romance, Cambridge, D. S. Brewer, 1993; cloth; pp. xii, 163; R.R.P.£29.50/US$65.00. Black, Maggie, The medieval cookbook, London, British Museum Press, 1992; cloth; pp. 143; 61 plates; R.R.P. AUS$49.95 [distributed in Australia by Thames & Hudson]. Burns, E. Jane, Bodytalk: when women speak in Old French literature, Philadelphia, 1993; cloth & paper; pp. xvii, 277; R.R.P. US$36.95 (cloth), $14.95 (paper). Cameron, Averil and Lawrence I. Conrad, eds, 77te Byzantine and early Islami Near East. I: problems in the literary source materials (Studies in lat antiquity and early Islam, I), Princeton, The Darwin Press, 1992; cloth; pp. xiv, 428; R.R.P. US$29.95/£18.50. Camille, Michael, Image on the edge; the margins of medieval art, Cambridge Massachusetts, Harvard University Press, 1992; paper; pp. 176; 86 illustrations; R.R.P. US$17.95. Cassidy, Brendan, ed., The Ruthwell Cross: papers from the Colloquium sponsored by the Index of Christian Art, Princeton University, 8 Decem 1989, Princeton, Index of Christian Art & Department of Art and Archaeology, 1992; paper; pp. xiv, 205; 14 Figures, 66 Plates; R.R.P.? 190 Books received Chandes, Gerard, ed., Le merveilleux et la magie dans la littirature (Centre d'etudes et de recherches sur le merveUleux, l'6trange et l'irreel en litterature, 2), Amsterdam & Atlanta, Rodopi, 1992; paper; pp. 253; R.R.P. ? Clanchy, M . T., From memory to written record: England 1066-1307, 2nd ed., Oxford & Cambridge Mass., Blackwell, 1993; paper; pp. xviii, 407; 20 plates; R.R.P. AUS$49.95 [distributed in Australia by Allen & Unwin]. Corbin, Henry, History ofIslamic philosophy, trans. Lisdain Sherrard and Philip Sherrard, London, Kegan Paul & Islamic Publications for the Institute of Ismaili Studies, 1993; cloth, pp. xviii, 445; R R P . £55.00. Cousins, Anthony D., 77ie Catholic religious poets from Southwell to Crashaw: a critical history, London, Sheed & Ward, 1991; cloth; pp. xiii, 204; 1 figure; R.R.P. £19.95. Cook, Ramsay, ed. & trans., 77te voyages of Jacques Cartier, Toronto/Buffalo/London, University of Toronto Press, 1993; cloth & paper; pp. xii, 177; 8 illustrations; R.R.P. CAN$50.00 (cloth), $16.95 (paper). Cox-Rearick, Janet, Bronzino's chapel of Eleonora in the Palazzo Vecchio (California studies in the history of art, XXIX), Berkeley/Los Angeles/Oxford, University of California Press, 1993; cloth; pp. xxx, 445; 187 Illustrations; R.R.P. US$75.00. Downing, Brian, M, 77ie military revolution and political change: origins of democracy and autocracy in Early Modern Europe, Princeton, Princeton University Press, 1992; cloth; pp. xii, 308; R.R.P. US$35.00. Dumville, David N., English Caroline script and monastic history: studies in Benedidinism, A.D. 950-1030 (Studies in Anglo-Saxon history, VI), Woodbridge, The Boydell Press, 1993; cloth; pp. x, 196; 16 illustrations; R.RP. £39.50/US$59.00. Edgeworth, Roger, Sermons veryfruitfull, Godly and learned: preaching in the Reformation c. 1535-C.1553, ed. Janet Wilson, Cambridge, D. S. Brewer, 1993; cloth; pp. ix, 486; R.R.P. US$110.00. Emmerson, Richard K. and Bernard McGinn...

