In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Weather Vigil
  • Ash Bowen (bio)

Tonight I keep a vigilfor my father at the other end

of the telephone, his breath the holesin our conversation, the wind

that carries nothing between us. He wheezeslike inclement weather. His voice dry

leaves. An autumn sidewalk. He says he lovesthe way the sky blanches

when there’s lightning, the sky erasingitself and reemerging once

our eyes have adjusted. Today he saidhe found acorns choking

the gutters. Then a cloud came up.Rain was already falling on his face

when he called and I picked up. [End Page 59]

Ash Bowen

Ash Bowen is the author of The Even Years of Marriage, winner of the 2012 Orphic Book Prize. His work has previously appeared in New England Review, Kenyon Review Online, Quarterly West, and elsewhere. He is co-managing editor of Linebreak and teaches undergraduate literature and creative writing at the University of Alabama.


