In lieu of an abstract, here is a brief excerpt of the content:

  • Forthcoming in Monatshefte:

Motifs of Love in the Courtly Love Lyric of Moslem Hohenstaufen and Hohenstaufen Germany

How the Panther Stole the Poem

Nationalist Voices Against the Wartime Publishing Industry: Adolf Bartels, Albert Zimmermann, and the Gustav Meyrink Hetze of 1917–1918

„Josefine oder das Volk der Mäuse“: Das Kindlich-Mütterliche im Existenzkampf

Does Gregor Samsa Crawl over the Ceiling and Walls? Intra-narrative Fiction in Kafka’s Die Verwandlung

Sammeln – Exzerpte – Konstellation. Jean Pauls literarische Kombinatorik [End Page 176]


